Example sentences of "[verb] be [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the debit side of the cash book all amounts of cash received are shown in the cash column , and all amounts banked are shown in the bank column .
2 ‘ I think it must 've been hit by a car , ’ he said .
3 You see I 've been entrusted with the task of getting him safely back to the Reich and I 've little more than three weeks to do it in . ’
4 The circumstances in which this litigation arose are described in the judgment delivered by Vinelott J. on 19 December 1989 as follows :
5 There is every likelihood that the versions of antiracism I have criticized will wither away as the local state structures on which they have relied are destroyed by the conflict with central government .
6 There is talk , still unconfirmed but reasonable enough , that Sparc cloners anxious to finally turn their allegiance to profit are pushing for the port .
7 In the proposed research the potential contention and ambiguity in British social life which such matters entail are addressed through the study of self-consciously peaceful communities .
8 ALL events listed are led by the Countryside Ranger Service .
9 More details of many of the attractions listed are contained in the Association 's Yearbook ‘ Railways Restored ’ , published in March by Ian Allan Ltd and available at a privilege price to Association Private Members .
10 However , " intellectual property rights " includes copyright , design right and moral rights does not provide an exclusive definition ; it merely provides clarification by saying that the three rights listed are included in the definition .
11 Members unable to attend are circulated with the research papers on request .
12 Even more striking is the provision that if such a tenement is not alienated , but the alms for which it was originally given are neglected over a period of two years , then the property shall again be recoverable at law by the donor or his heirs .
13 When the small claims and summary cause summons are returned from court , the two dates given are input to the system and various reminder memos are then issued in connection with those dates .
14 The candidate who brings his whole library to such an examination often fails : the facts that he needs are lost in a multitude of pages .
15 Details on these craft are shown in the caption to the diagram on page 41 , but MTB 74 was an unusual ship even among these fast midgets .
16 Details of wounding are given in the legend to Table 1 .
17 Some good ones to try are suggested in the table .
18 Many young stock for fattening are bought in the market at York from the upland farmers of Ireland , Wales , Scotland and the Pennines .
19 The vicar calls for silence for the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ , who makes a short speech declaring he has been elected for a year and a day .
20 Mrs M. Finnan , convenor of the Senior Citizens ' Lunch Club , has been elected to the Village Association Committee .
21 Dr Keith Suter of Australia has been elected to the Club of Rome , the prestigious international group of some 100 leading scientists , educators , philosophers and activists from 35 countries .
22 Kate has been elected to the Executive Committee as one of the representatives of the Dublin District Committee .
23 At least one RAFALO has been elected to an Area Council .
24 They take this view because they are alive to the fact that since 1935 no government has been elected by a majority of the electorate and secured 50 per cent of the popular vote .
25 Those who do not believe in delegation to committees argue that each of them has been elected by the public to watch their interests and therefore they should each have a voice in the decisions of every committee .
26 Training has been completed for the week , and the platoon which paraded for its Pass-Off today has now left the barracks for ten days ' leave prior to posting to various battalions in England , Ulster and around Europe .
27 Looking to the future , filming has been completed on a Service Quality Development video on telephone techniques .
28 Father , we are thankful for the work that has been completed on the church building and we rejoice at the skills and abilities that have made it possible .
29 Paragraph seven making it clear put that an initial assessment has already established er it has already passed the preliminary assessment stage er and that er the director is undertaking the data collection procedure so that the site can be properly assessed and I do drawn er Mr attention er to that I erm have taken the opportunity during the last adjournment Chairman to speak to Mr about the appropriateness of the wording of his er er amendment and I believe that he he may wish to er move something which is slightly different er which will certainly er we 'll deal with that er if he does move that but er it clearly is the intention of this report and of the committee that when the work has been completed on the assessment of traffic calming measure in Shalford and its priority established , that we would then bring er another report er to the highways and transportation committee in response to this petition er as as indeed is set out in paragraph ten B and if Mr wished that to be brought forward through to council then that will be done but I leave to him if he wish to move an amendment to make it quite clear , since er I must say this motion is rather bland .
30 The length of the progress line is then drawn to represent the percentage of the job that has been completed at the review date .
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