Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] [conj] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He could have stopped the trial and we had discussed whether to apply for a stay of prosecution , but once I was in the fight I wanted to carry on , whatever the consequences . ’
2 We need to preserve the jobs that we have .
3 I repeat the charge that we made in Committee which the Minister , regrettably , did not answer .
4 No I said erm I had a conversation with Gillian about reading , about little bits of reading and , I made the point that we 'd said last night about him barking at print , reading through words that he did n't know and not asking what they were and she said she 'd noticed that .
5 ‘ You made the condition that we dance according to the music , ’ he reminded her .
6 The mist also shrouded the fish and we thrashed away mightily , to no avail .
7 It 's important to stress the relationship with Social Services , in that the Agency staff who link the very wide range of people from Social Services , often those people who hold local budgets and are in a position , using the funding that we have allocated to diverse things , to come up with creative solutions for , for er , keeping people at home rather than in , in institutional care .
8 We showed how to achieve certain basic patterns by using the processes that we discovered and then we saw how they could be combined to achieve a large class of patterns .
9 Secondly , a failure to perceive the pattern may also occur because we lack within our theoretical base the conceptual framework that would enable us to grasp the structure that is potentially available , given the observations that we have made already .
10 Given the theories that we have explored above we can suggest that the manager needs to :
11 I 'd like to take that on board and review the situation that we give , given a predicament still therefore a purpose and I hear what Mr has to say and I look at that particular pelican crossing myself , and respect the
12 We regret the delay and we hope that the promised publication on Waddilove will be earlier rather than later in the current session , and that the government will take an early opportunity to publish clearer guidelines on its assessment of ‘ national need ’ for opencast coal , and the weight to be given to environmental considerations .
13 ‘ But there is plenty of scope for drawing the crowds if we produce the right brand of football and the results . ’
14 It 's not been without pain and I pay tribute to our staff 's willingness to embrace the changes that we 've had to make .
15 We discussed with her 10-year-old son whether he wanted to see the play and we put the money for a ticket in an envelope .
16 To see the pictures as we arranged ? ’
17 Barely looking at his wife , Harold said , ‘ I thought I 'd drive Felicity down to see the College after we 've had a cup of tea . ’
18 ‘ We thought , ’ put in Bith , who was feeling a bit bolder now that Goibniu had approved their ideas , ‘ we thought that the lady — that is Reflection 's daughter — might like to see the designs before we put them to the forge , your honour . ’
19 He read the Orders that we had already read , in case we had n't read them .
20 Erm it would cost for the four for the four nights of the con conference , that 's from the Wednesday night to the Saturday night inclusive , six pounds a night each will almost cover the cost and we 've fitted in an extra person on the floor at three pounds a night that would clear the cost completely .
21 We could mobilise the resources and we had the moral drive .
22 And then we had the er the battledress was issued , the khaki , and erm we was had our head headquarters were started , the headquarters were started in an office at , one of the office rooms at the at the Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Company by the , the top offices we used to call them , by the gates , we had one of the rooms there for and it eventually became the armoury when we got some equipment because rifles etcetera was in very short supply after Dun Dunkirk So eventually we had a few rifles and er when the er we got a few rifles and er the sirens went it was the practice at the beginning when the sirens went in this area for everything to stop and everyone down the shelter but it happened four or five times , everybody realized how non-productive this was , that the time that was lost and there was nothing happening in this area so it was decided by the R T B that we , the , the people off the shop floor would n't stop work until the attack was really imminent or it had started because if this , this was happening all over the Midlands area and of course if you , if you multiply that by the number of people at work you can imagine how much production was lost erm and also when the sirens went Major at the factory used to get the chappies out from off the shop floor , get the few rifles we 'd got , take we in to King George 's playing fields there was a , a brook running across King George 's playing fields then , it had n't and a trench which was extended to stop er aircraft from landing in King George 's cos it was just a big open space .
23 Sometimes it may be appropriate to support the child who appears to be being facetious : " People often laugh when things are really difficult — maybe it would help us make the decision if we did something quite different for a little while . "
24 Does , does the manufacturer , does the production and they ca n't make the part and we need part B for it .
25 Together we can make the country that we love everything it was meant to be .
26 But can I just make the point that we have been investing a great deal in British Rail , and the idea that er all over the piece we 're talking about non-modernized railways simply not true .
27 Yeah well we 'll make the appointment when we 've got the tablets and sorted it out .
28 I 'ad a long stint wiv Galloway an' I was gutted when I got the push an' we 'ad ter get out o' the 'ouse .
29 then , then we got the sport and we did n't do so well on that .
30 Other siblings resented the fact that ‘ she got the cash and we got a load of old books ’ ( p. 375 ) .
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