Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] [prep] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 This involves the donor in only a single signature on a simple form which any RNLI regional office , or headquarters , can supply .
2 Most of them had already breakfasted and he shared the dining-room with only a few others .
3 This comparison of procedures reveals that the CMI Rules ' receipt message plays the role of both a paper based dock or mate 's receipt and of a preliminary bill of lading .
4 He took care of him and the Greek verb means that he literally took total charge of his case , in other words he probably stayed up all night nursing him , and so he made the inn into temporarily a nursing home and we 're back into another area of the Board 's concerns .
5 This obviously begs the question of when a duty exists .
6 Often Parliamentary lists record only one side of the division , some of them contain errors , and because division lists were often published for propaganda purposes , sometimes errors were deliberately introduced in order to mislead the people about how a particular member had voted .
7 It is perhaps hardly more than an anecdote , generally quite short in length , in which towards the end the reader , who has been gently led along one seemingly well-defined path , is suddenly switched into seeing the situation in quite a different light .
8 Unfortunately at this point Martin Fleischmann entered hospital for a serious operation which interrupted the project for almost a year .
9 This posed the dissidents with quite a problem .
10 The changes are expected to provoke the loss of about a third of France 's 8,300 dock jobs and an end to the power of the CGT union .
11 It is a massive concerto in four movements rather than the usual three — the addition of a scherzo emphasises that the work has the characteristics of both a concerto and a symphony .
12 The doorbell rang and he was caught between changes , opening the door with just a towel wrapped around him .
13 When he finally reached Marseilles , he expected to find the fleet of over a hundred ships which he had commissioned in advance .
14 RUC have to thank their custodian Kenny Cairns for keeping the scoreline to just a single goal .
15 At that time Dr. Yeats indicated to Samuel Whitbread that he intended , after having considered the matter for about a year , to ‘ transplant myself to the metropolis and … quit the early scenes of my professional exertions after 15 years in Bedford ’ .
16 But I have adopted the French habit of diluting wine with water , and so I ate my breakfast in solitary state this morning and regarded the world with quite a sparkling eye .
17 By 1932 , when Hitler was running for Reich President and the Nazi Movement was gaining the support of over a third of the population , the ‘ Jewish Question , scarcely featured in Hitler 's public addresses .
18 We had owned the Sumatras for just a few months , but already we had seen that they are volatile and eccentric birds , much given to sudden screech-ups and bouts of cackling , which in other chickens would denote the arrival of an egg , but from them seem to signify only that they have given themselves a fright .
19 If future policy decides to abandon the flat-rate community charge , this reopens the question of how a more progressive local tax should be designed .
20 Yet to arrive at this version , Ohmann has nullified the effect of only a few transformations : those transformations used to form coordinated sentences ( cf[5] ) , relative clauses ( cf [ 6 ] ) , and comparative clauses , together with certain deletion rules .
21 Although many people possess the psychotic traits we have been discussing , only a few will show the signs of even a borderline disorder and still fewer will develop a full-blown psychotic illness .
22 For example , Private Acts of Parliament are treated as legislation even though they may regulate the conduct of only a single individual ; on the other hand , an ‘ administrative order ’ affecting a large number of people may be difficult to distinguish from as legislative act .
23 She has not only suffered the anguish of over a quarter of a century of separation from her husband , but has also experienced unending persecution at the hands of the regime , such as banishment , Imprisonment , torture and sustained harassment over a period of more than two decades .
24 She leaned forward and examined the leather which had been well cut , fitting the boot with just a little to spare .
25 Given the right resources and planning , the King 's Cross project in association with Thameslink 2000 will improve rail links between Kent , Sussex and Hampshire and the north-east of England and will allow travellers from one region to visit the other with only a single change at King 's Cross .
26 The project is a pilot study to test the feasibility of computer analysis of data from the Dictionary of Business Biography , itself an ESRC-funded project which had collected the biographies of over a thousand leading English and Welsh businessmen active between 1860 and 1980 .
27 He also studied the problem of how a single original population becomes divided up into varieties ( subspecies ) and eventually a range of distinct ‘ daughter ’ species .
28 In his mind that was guarded by grey , disinterested eyes and his sallow tight-drawn forehead , Holly could picture the process of how a match lit in innocence had tumbled upon an incendiary device .
29 I had visited the apartment at least a dozen times , but I still found the fact of a lift opening directly into a living room incredibly impressive ; a proof of wealth as convincing as the possession of gold taps or of mink rugs or of the girl who waited to greet me just beyond the lift doors .
30 Recognizing that selecting the fabric according to the house was producing outstanding results , Laura encouraged Jane Clifford to oversee the decoration of both a four-storey Victorian London house and a Cotswold stone farmhouse .
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