Example sentences of "[verb] a [adj] [noun sg] that it " in BNC.

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1 On March 1 Baker told the US House of Representatives appropriations committee that a US$400,000,000 housing loan scheme to Israel would be withheld unless Shamir 's government provided a firm commitment that it would halt all settlement activity , including the expansion of existing settlements .
2 Without going into whether the information would come from his audit file or the client 's file , the Institute has a stated policy that it will not put pressure on the incumbent auditor/adviser to supply information to a successor while fees remain outstanding — though the incumbent should be prepared to demonstrate that he is taking active steps to collect the outstanding fee including , if necessary , a writ or summons .
3 Anil Gadre , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp 's vice president of systems product marketing , told Unigram last week that it has a 64-bit part that it is playing with , but there is no operating system or applications up and running on it , yet .
4 I received a strong impression that it was not enough to know about injustice and suffering ; practical solutions had to be found .
5 Then , BR told a public inquiry that it would cost £5 million to convert the line , which runs from Manchester east to Hadfield and Glossop .
6 Hodge contended that if the Interim Committee failed to reach a satisfactory conclusion that it would be preferable to terminate UNTCOK , withdraw American troops ( even though the Soviet Union was demanding this ) , and press ahead with the establishment of a government in south Korea .
7 It seemed a near miracle that it got off to a relatively smooth start , politically speaking , in 1921–2 .
8 On the same day Li Peng , told an Indonesian journalist that it would be " impossible " for China to have relations with the Indonesian Communist Party ( PKI ) because , he claimed , China had " no idea " whether the PKI still existed .
9 Texas Instruments Inc is now sampling a new chip that it says will allow colour X-terminals to be sold below the $1,000 price line — its first product specifically aimed at the X market .
10 There is a range of potential responses : the delimitation may be respected and acted upon , for example through application for mining licences to either A or B according to the terms of the agreement ; other States might tacitly acquiesce in the delimitation ; others might make a formal protest that it conflicts with a legal interest of their own , for example , claims of sovereign rights over part of the same area .
11 And in fact if if if if er we look along this line , at the moment we as I said in my introduction we have two districts or three districts who have expressed support for the principal , and of those of those one has given a clear indication that it would , this might be too , er high a phrase , welcome a new settlement , within its district .
12 They have called on the Northern Regional Health Authority to issue a categorical denial that it has any plans to merge 15 health care districts into six super districts .
13 Instead of accepting what may appear to many to be a cynical bribe , Radnorshire must deliver a clear message that it will not sell its beautiful countryside or the quality of life of its residents for cash .
14 The legend enshrines a popular belief that it was Dom Pérignon who created sparkling wine and invented Champagne as we know it today .
15 Finally , the simple assertion that the fighting ‘ ebbed and flowed ’ creates a misleading impression that it was a fair and equal contest .
16 Oh , heavens , she thought , and tried to discount a dreadful feeling that it was n't his secretary so much that he was furious to see , but her !
17 Since the 1978 UN Conference on Health at Alma Ata it has become a universal wisdom that it is much more effective to build a primary health care network than to spend the same money on a few prestige hospitals which could only ever be used by an urban elite .
18 Mr. Philipson addressed an impassioned argument that it would be quite wrong for the court to vary the injunction at the behest of the defendants , seeing that they had flouted Morland J. 's order , as a result of which the documents had come into the hands of the Federal Reserve Board , who had in turn passed the information to the Bank of England ; and that it would be the antithesis of justice that the consequence of this misconduct should be the discharge of the very injunction which had been designed to protect the plaintiffs from these consequences .
19 Most will have a dim idea that it 's something to do with conservation and looking after nature .
20 In so far as the plaintiffs are seeking to recover from the third defendant money which he has obtained for his own benefit or for the benefit of companies which are , in effect , his alter ego , I can see that the third party would have an overwhelming argument that it can not be just and equitable to require him to contribute to whatever the third defendant is ordered to pay to the plaintiffs .
21 However , the firm will have to make the prescribed disclosure that all or most of the FSA protections do not apply if ( even though it does not have to do so ) it tells a private customer that it is a member of SFA or is otherwise FSA-authorised ; or ( 2 ) It is carried on with or for customers in the UK , but the FSA 's overseas person exemption would have applied if that non-UK office had been a separate person from the UK office ( see page 40 above and also below ) or , presumably , is outside the territorial scope of the FSA in any event ; or ( 3 ) The business is that of an appointed representative of the firm and is not carried on in the UK .
22 The Commission kept under review the human rights situation in Afghanistan , Romania , El Salvador and Iran but sent a clear signal that it may terminate special scrutiny of the latter two countries at its next session .
23 and as a result the party acquired a moral calibre that it had not had before .
24 The Councils of both Societies , in agreeing to support the publication of the new journal , took a conscious decision that it should contain only papers of the highest quality , and that papers from Scotland 's universities , and papers on Scottish geology , should form the major part of the publication , although there has always been scope for the publication of papers on other areas , including some important theoretical papers .
25 The cat 's independence has encouraged a widespread view that it is asocial and unco-operative .
26 Hewlett-Packard Co is racing down the object-oriented programming road and last week it inaugurated a distributed-object-computing programme that it says will accelerate its efforts to develop and deliver a distributed object computing environment for heterogeneous networked systems .
27 While the meeting in the foyer was going on , the corporation gave a clear indication that it felt under pressure .
28 While one would have liked to have thought that the injustice of B's situation would of itself have been enough to persuade the Court of Appeal to strain to find a way of bringing it to an end , the Convention considerations ought to convince a future court that it has the duty to do so .
29 Even if he managed to get to a horse , he had a nasty suspicion that it would follow him at its own pace .
30 It was not a very good day today , and he had a terrible feeling that it was going to get worse .
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