Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun sg] on [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The results of the cotinine tests , which were carried out only on those 114 infants who provided a sample on both visits , were very similar .
2 ‘ I would be prepared to write a leader on this project , but I would find it difficult to take the opposing point of view to that given in those two leaders .
3 For the sake of convenience , I drew a box on each paper and dampened it before applying my wash .
4 The Schuman Plan had been sold to a French government that was worried about the future political , military and economic potential of the new West German state in part as a means of keeping a check on that potential .
5 A leading industry figure said : ‘ We could have real problems keeping a lid on this situation . ’
6 we replied that our only object was to secure a Government on such lines and with such a prospect of stability that it might reasonably be expected to be capable of carrying on the war ; that in our opinion his Government , weakened by the resignations of Lloyd George and Bonar Law and by all that had gone on during the past weeks , offered no such prospect and we answered the question therefore with a perfectly definite negative .
7 She fully understands that it 'll be up to you and Alan to decide whether you want a book on this subject and if you think it is a complete non-starter you might like to stop her in her tracks .
8 I want a fix on that man .
9 While Marx rejects needs as the units in terms of which economic phenomena should be analysed , he could in principle simply replace them by some other property of individuals , and found a theory on this trait instead .
10 On the previous day a military decree had been issued reaffirming a ban on all strikes and protest meetings , introducing 30-day administrative detention without trial , and outlawing specified nationalist organizations including the National Defence Council .
11 What would you do if they came and built a hotel on this stretch of coast ?
12 However , irrespective of specific legislation directly related to fire safety , the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 , places a responsibility on all employers and employees to observe safety in their work premises .
13 That surely places a responsibility on any Government of any political complexion to trample on the bogus libertarian appeal of the tobacco and advertising industries that they are only offering choice .
14 Article 9 places a duty on all persons , whether employers , employees , or self-employed , and states ‘ No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health , safety or welfare in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions . ’
15 All oil and chemical tankers calling at French and Italian ports have been banned from using the strait , and the International Maritime Organization has been asked to impose a ban on all tankers using the waterway .
16 For Hayek the rule of law is a meta-legal doctrine or a political ideal which serves to impose a limitation on all legislation .
17 But the letter to Ritschl ( if we take it at face value , as we presumably should ) shows that Nietzsche had as yet no thought of basing a book on these subjects , although something pertinent to " Greek music drama " or " Socrates and tragedy " would , no doubt have been among the various matters envisaged for the miscellany in the " literary history or the " new ideas and views " .
18 If you think about and watch the settings of your child 's behaviour , it may be that he or she behaves in a non-compliant way , or has a tantrum on some occasions but not others ; that is , some situations seem to act as cues for him or her to behave in a particular way .
19 If she thinks she has a claim on this account , though , she should get in touch with the Inspector of Taxes .
20 A very bright , transparent cool green , viridian has a place on many palettes .
21 Viridian has a place on many palettes ; it is slightly less brash than phthalocyanine green , but has similar transparency and hue .
22 The construction of models independent of any external reality seems to encourage an emphasis on this sort of linguistic reflexivity and it will be encountered again in other structuralist writings .
23 The moth , moreover , can tell whether the bat is to the right or left ( because it has an ear on each side ) and whether it is approaching or moving away .
24 Networking allows a user on any VAX/VMS node of a DECNET network to log on to a LIFESPAN running on any node of the same network , and to access the full range of LIFESPAN facilities .
25 The idea of the futile brave attempt to soften the life up here — for it would have been hard and isolated when the house was built and savage in the winter — trying to set a garden on this soil , in this salt air , appealed to her .
26 By determining a local council 's grant income from the centre and setting a ceiling to a local council 's revenue raising , central government acquired the capacity to set a limit on any council 's spending .
27 But I learnt a lot on that job .
28 It is not uncommon to hear about the assassination of public figures in the streets of Bogota and even running in local elections can ensure a place on some death list .
29 As always , he felt it necessary because of exchange controls to earn money while he was there and , while at St Louis in the beginning of June , he gave an address at Washington University on " American Language and American Literature " ( he received a doctorate on this occasion , as on so many others ) .
30 If the hon. Gentleman had been in earlier , he would have heard the hon. Member for Harrow , East ( Mr. Dykes ) saying that last week he had attended a debate on this subject in the Bundestag .
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