Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun] of all the " in BNC.

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1 Pérez de Cuéllar 's report proposed a conference of all the 164 state signatories to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 — including Israel — to discuss measures to protect Palestinians in the occupied territories .
2 People say to me that I must be keeping a list of all the attacks I hear about .
3 The checksummer part of CPAV is relatively slow and creates a file in each directory , called CHKLIST.CPS , which contains a checksum of all the files in that directory .
4 Grasses occupy a quarter of all the vegetated land on earth .
5 The Main Database contains an archive of all the dictionary text .
6 This approach also encourages the analyst to look beyond the basic procedure to the wider systems that it is part of and the environment that can affect both requirements and performance , in the process gaining an understanding of all the relevant factors that need to be taken into account .
7 The three great grain stations were La Chapelle-lntérieure , La Plaine-Saint-Denis , and Saint Ouen-les-Docks , which between them received a quarter of all the grain and a fifth of all the flour brought into Paris by train .
8 Perhaps this is the perfect excuse to be allowed to pick a selection of all the suitable plants from the gardens of all your friends and family , just in case !
9 Conduct a careful post-mortem of your own actions and compile a list of all the things you could have done better .
10 To illustrate this point , imagine a survey of all the fires occurring in a particular neighbourhood .
11 er , six erm , I 've made a list of all the different words that are used for crap on reports right ?
12 De Tocqueville made a similar point even earlier when commenting on the individualizing consequences of American democracy : " Aristocracy had made a chain of all the members of the community , from the peasant to the king : democracy breaks that chain and severs every link of it . "
13 I stood on Magdalen Bridge in the dying day , and the sky , mother-of-pearl streaked with violet and awash with rose and yellow light , gave me a tightness at the throat ; it seemed an intimation of all the beauty and sorrow of the world .
14 Although I do not have a magic wand , I hope to be able to establish some means of providing the physical back-up that you would like to receive from the Society and to start the ball rolling I am compiling a list of all the ways in which you have been supported or would like to have been supported , in the past plus suggestions for the future .
15 I mean , I 've got a list of all the physicists in hall , you see ; I go and visit them instead … they 're more obtainable .
16 There are framework jobs and erm I 've got a list of all the framework jobs that are in our area , in fact they are radical suppressive .
17 And in fact I 've got a photograph of all the somewhere about the house .
18 The Report indeed includes a statement of all the grants made since 1834 : over 1,500 in 1839 , 1840 and 1843 , but later falling to 159 in 1849 ; at this meeting 751 was voted .
19 ‘ The Hammer ’ is a macabre and comic tale of greed , power and lust where the audience witnesses a concentration of all the most fundamental ingredients of theatre moving from grand opera , to intimate drama , to cinematic storytelling .
20 A buyer should therefore consider informing a supplier of all the uses to which the equipment or programs will be put , especially if they are unusual .
21 Since the mental element required for the commission of the the offences of organisation and participation is knowledge which the courts increasingly interpret to require an awareness of all the circumstances by virtue of which it is said that an offence is committed , it may well be sensible police practice to issue a warning before arresting and prosecuting with an offence under this Part of the Act .
22 The piece of paper records a list of all the new species identified by Gould from the Galapagos , with , alongside them , notes about their alliance with species on the American continent .
23 Bring a list of all the questions and queries you want answered , leaving plenty of room to make your notes .
24 To this end it can be quite a good idea to sit down and make a list of all the social activities you would like to enjoy if you were free to do so -such as visiting and entertaining friends , going to the theatre , cinema , concerts , evening classes , study groups , church activities and special interest clubs , as well as the occasional holiday .
25 If you fall into this category you should make a list of all the outstanding and unfinished projects you have on the go .
26 They give you something for that cos I m the B B C asked me once to , they knocked the door and said would I make a note of all the programmes for one week and just put my opinion , it was just four different , you know ,
27 Then came a review which made a bonfire of all the others and lit up Burton 's name in flames in the English theatre of the day .
28 The convivial bohemian made a round of all the bars and cafés in Nice , looking for Modigliani .
29 By pressing the ENTER key without typing in a file name , you will be able to see a list of all the patterns that are supplied in the COLPATS directory .
30 When the program finds a word with multiple senses , it produces a list of all the synonyms of each of the senses of that word , which are then known as ’ word families ’ .
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