Example sentences of "[verb] and we [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Thankfully , Benjamin agreed and we returned to the manor house .
2 For a few moments the clouds open and we lie in the heat of a hazy sun , our efforts justly rewarded .
3 We then voted on a lengthy Liberal resolution er , it was amended by Labour we voted on all of the separate points in the resolution , all were agreed and then Professor decided that he wanted to move a further amendment which after some consultation , some discussion with the legal people about it 's validity , he did which wiped out all of the things that we 'd just agreed and we turned to the original Conservative motion minus the beginning phrase and with a couple of things stuck on at the end and we thought well that 's it the Conservatives will vote for that , but no although it was their own motion in all but name , the Conservatives would n't vote for that unless Mr was allowed to move it .
4 and erm in fact , yes , but both of just had died and we sent for the doctor and it 's
5 Then the movement shifted and we veered to the gate .
6 Towards the late afternoon , exhausted by its own violence , it began to die slowly and soon the ‘ great noise for nothing ’ became a gasping puff , The doors were opened and we stared at the drifts of dust which had banked against houses and cars in much the same way that snow drifts against walls and trees .
7 But all that was put to one side when the protests started and we took to the streets .
8 We were speechless , but we morbidly crept towards him when a sudden snap from the forest warned that someone was approaching and we ran along the beach then through the trees , hearts pounding , and gasping for breath .
9 However , during the fifteenth century changes were introduced and we see for the first time representations of corpses , cadavers and skeletons , and it is from these — usually to be found on memorial brasses , and particularly on those in East Anglia — that we acquire our first glimpse of the English shroud .
10 I immediately gestured to the Hurricanes to carry on to Malta by themselves as we were ditching and we turned for the coast ourselves , losing height all the way .
11 We mourn the loss of the person who died and we respond to the change that this effects in our lives with panic or elation or anxiety or a whole gamut of emotions that may take us by surprise .
12 But erm when we , by the time we got into Hull I heard it on the radio what had happened and we went to the toy fair and then we came back and there was er you could see all the ambulances and everything still there .
13 In P1/T2 this means and we pivot in the x 1 -column ( and x 2 -row by the PRS rule ) to get P1/T5 .
14 But then she got married and we lived down the road there for a while till they repaired these , they made these There was very old houses these are .
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