Example sentences of "[verb] and she [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The woman 's high colour deepened and she fumbled with the up of wine .
2 Well as I say I went out and erm I thought , well Jill phoned and she said at the time my mum had got a boy that was sleeping rough down the sandpits .
3 For instance , when Paris designated the wanton APHRODITE as the most beautiful of the goddesses , Hera 's morals were affronted and she arranged for the Trojan Wars to occur as just recrimination for the slight .
4 Seven-thirty came and she glanced through the curtains to see if she could see your car drawing up .
5 His lips twisted and she waited for the inevitable cynical response , but surprisingly it did n't come .
6 I must have moaned : she looked at me coldly as if suspecting some kind of trickery , and then her face altered and she came across the room to take my arm and help me back to bed .
7 Already they were aroused and she longed for the water against her overheated skin to caress and tease her further and she longed to plunge in beside Fernando and for him to …
8 Barbara 's foot skidded and she fell to the floor in the ‘ corridor ’ between the hessian screens .
9 The mother 's health deteriorated and she died in the bed .
10 He snores and she complains about the lack of a good cup of tea .
11 But her legs shook and she clutched at the bed , which seemed to recede and there was a strange , fizzing sensation in her head .
12 If you removed all the he saids and she saids from the writing above you would still know who was saying what because Nicolas and Bridget are doing different things .
13 She wanted to pee and she walked round the house in search of a bush .
14 Her eyes widened and she stared at the page before throwing the paper down .
15 She thought of taking off her overall — ; she was wearing one of Lily 's blouses underneath — only when it was unbuttoned and she looked in the mirror her chest poked out in a most peculiar way .
16 But the door gave and she stepped into the shower-room where the air was clear again .
17 Martha 's face was now flushed and she looked on the verge of tears .
18 Matilda cried and she burst into the room , brandishing her knife .
19 Her car started to overheat and she stopped on the hard shoulder .
20 Her host repeated that she was to order anything that she wanted and she stared at the words on the card , taking none of them in .
21 As she pushed the emptied skip back towards the scutching room for the umpteenth time , her legs simply stopped working and she sagged against the basket , fighting down a wave of dizziness and nausea .
22 I told her I 'd been dreaming and she sat on the bed and held my hand for a bit .
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