Example sentences of "[verb] and it was [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In slightly less than a year , citizens high expectations had been shattered and it was all over .
2 All too soon it was time to go and it was almost reluctantly that she drove him back to Brooklands .
3 Food was still rationed and it was very much a question of making the best use of available resources and we had absolutely unlimited demand — a very false situation as it turned out when you think about what happened to British industry afterwards .
4 That unsettled me a bit , but we eventually got going and it was all right .
5 Otherwise it tends to make the whole picture , like , I went to er er one club once and there was a very nice portrait , not unlike this , there was a girl sitting on a stool , rather less clothes on than this girl has got and it was very nicely done except she was sitting on a painted stool and all the paint was chipped and that to me looked really tacky !
6 And that 's how it started and it was really just you know we said we 'd do a bit of fund raising and I think the men were pretty sceptical of you know they thi they thought we might fight over the first tin of beans or whatever .
7 The sun had set and it was already quite dark in the Gardens .
8 But no , it was a certain type of tobacco but you 'd got to bring it ready-rubbed and er you know , it 's back to the Co-op you 'd go and it was n't very far .
9 King was pushing him hard , telling him he was no good and such like , when to King 's surprise Smith started to answer back and no one ever did that , so things worsened and it was n't long before they started fighting , an alarming situation on a small cramped footplate .
10 If indeed she had and it was n't just Feargal 's own assumptions .
11 oh the cupboards are brilliant it 's just the fronts are so dated and the man in these reports in the house said erm , kitchen is satisfactory but it needs updating and it was only about seven years ago it was brand new , no , not seven , have we been in then , no eight , so nine or something , I know the fronts need sorting out .
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