Example sentences of "[verb] and it [is] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But we will hear more of this in years to come and it is yet another sign that church planting is on God 's agenda at this time for Britain , for Europe , and for every nation .
2 This is possible using RR or Rover SD1 solenoids but as a kit is not available a great deal of experimentation is required to get the system to work and it is virtually impossible to fit to rear door .
3 now I am retired and er yes last year I was feeling a bit decrepit , you know I used to go for a full wal walk round after lunch , after dinner , around where she lives and it 's much harder now .
4 It is very important to keep on happy and good terms with the family that are living and it is extremely sad when the death of a parent who loved all the children should be an unwitting source of family rifts .
5 that do n't cause people any symptoms until something happens and it 's too late .
6 Many codecs already developed are designed to be upgradeable when such standards become widely accepted and it is therefore likely that within a few years dial-up videoconferencing will be possible between a wide range of different proprietary systems .
7 What do you do at the end of the winter time and er spring arrives and it 's too warm for the electric blanket .
8 It is news management by ministers which is suspected and it is very difficult to prove . ’
9 It is not in Marx 's own writing that the idea of ‘ falseness ’ in ideology occurs and it is perhaps surprising that the notion of falseness is attributed to him ( e.g. Hirst 1976 : 385 ; Lichtheim 1967 : 18 ) .
10 Risks to health and the environment can be minimised and it is also important to produce the energy cleanly .
11 obviously very well received and it 's very nice to have met
12 The nature of the obligation is simply that of an obligation to repay money which has been received and it is neither necessary nor logical , simply because the conditions of repayment relate to the performance of covenants in a lease , that the transfer of the reversion should create in the transferee an additional and co-extensive obligation to pay money which he has never received and in which he never had any interest or that the assignment of the term should vest in the assignee the right to receive a sum which he has never paid …
13 People naturally want to retire and it is therefore important to offer opportunities for fulfilment in leisure , education and voluntary activities and to recognise the valuable role played by older people within the family .
14 For nightlife , Bodrum is the place to go and it 's so close you really can have the best of both resorts .
15 It is expensive to buy food that children do not eat and it is very easy for the mother to fall into the trap of offering the child only what she thinks the child still likes .
16 He said , ‘ There 's absolutely nothing to see and it 's awfully full of nettles ’ ; at the same moment Jean Powers was saying noisily that not a solitary soul had been into the Britches in years and the village wondered what Edward got up to in there — ha ha ! — some people said he must be into black magic , or maybe he was growing cannabis .
17 Even with an Architect , problems may arise and it is then many people have found out how pleased they were to have an Architect at hand to turn to .
18 got back to his mark and we 're going to have three slips , Lewis gone to join the slips , so it 's er three slips and the gully , as waits for this one , packing were the up comes Lawrence now past Dickie Bird , bowls to him , well pitched up and he played a rather streaky stroke really , and he turns it away down to square Tufnell is down there , fields the ball , throws back quite nicely , he fielded very well , let's say that and one run goes on the total , er so that at the moment three hundred and four runs are needed and it 's about three point nine seven the required rate .
19 In ancient times this magnificent monument must have been much admired and it is hardly surprising that Imhotep was remembered as a great man and eventually became a god .
20 In extensional flow , however , provided the strain rate exceeds the relaxation rate , that is , the rate at which a chain attempts to re-coil itself in order to increase its entropy , full extension of a chain can occur and it is even possible to cause chain scission , as evidenced by molecular weight studies made on solutions which have been subjected to high extensional flows .
21 During the drying process particle aggregation may occur and it is most important that sieve residues should be checked , using a hand lens where necessary , to detect the presence of aggregates which form clusters considerably larger than the original single component grains .
22 It 's like when you piss and it 's really bad , it 's really bad and then you get to the toilet and it 's that 's why I like that bit in , have you seen A League of Their Own ?
23 That is what Magnus says about girls he does n't like and it 's very funny .
24 But I agree with Stuart , I think what we 've got be careful is that if we 're gon na introduce something , it is actually erm capable of being enforced and it 's very difficult to see us an enforcing agent .
25 The high strength of thin fibres may be due in part to the fact that such fibres are very easily bent and it is therefore easier to bend them than to scratch them .
26 You know we tend to sort of hover outside lodge meetings a bit you know cos it is all men you know and It 's quite frightening really you know I mean this sort of erm I think the way the finances are worked for instance er .
27 And certainly you know I mean Yona 's list now of support for this next rally we 've got on March the first is huge I mean it 's sort of and that 's not gon na go away is it you know I mean next year I do n't know what we 're gon na be up to but hopefully we 'll be supporting somebody else in their er struggle for fair play and that network will obviously come into play you know I mean I 've we 've been South Wales have said , Oh you know these are all our contacts you know some of the women in South Wales and in Deeside they 've said these are all our contacts and these are the people that were good and did the work and got the leaflets out and brought the money in you know and it 's as simple as that really you know .
28 is a foot deformity , present at birth right , present at birth , it does n't happen afterwards , it happens , it 's caused before the baby 's born and it 's more common in boys can be one or both foot , feet .
29 Said Mr Robinson : ‘ Several views were aired and it is now important that we all try to push in the same direction to the benefit of the club . ’
30 " Silly , really , I 've been sitting here puzzling about what to do and it 's suddenly clear . "
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