Example sentences of "[verb] and [pron] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 The problem there I would suggest is the timescale between the things happening and it getting to the regulator and being digested .
2 I would suggest is the timescale between these things happening and it getting to the regulator and being digested .
3 Within the hour the show is cancelled and everyone returns to the hotel to drown their sorrows .
4 Garty 's legs collapsed and he fell to the ground , a twitching moaning heap .
5 Neither therapy was enjoyed and I listened to the catalogue of side effects like a reporter who had just pierced the darkest Amazonian forest and was observing a new race for the first time .
6 It has been argued that it covers not only fairness , in the sense of fairness to the accused , but also in the sense of ensuring that , in the eyes of the public , the highest standards of justice are upheld and it appears to the world at large that the accused is getting a fair trial .
7 Thankfully , Benjamin agreed and we returned to the manor house .
8 Bring and I chat to the r
9 Barbara 's foot skidded and she fell to the floor in the ‘ corridor ’ between the hessian screens .
10 We then voted on a lengthy Liberal resolution er , it was amended by Labour we voted on all of the separate points in the resolution , all were agreed and then Professor decided that he wanted to move a further amendment which after some consultation , some discussion with the legal people about it 's validity , he did which wiped out all of the things that we 'd just agreed and we turned to the original Conservative motion minus the beginning phrase and with a couple of things stuck on at the end and we thought well that 's it the Conservatives will vote for that , but no although it was their own motion in all but name , the Conservatives would n't vote for that unless Mr was allowed to move it .
11 Then the movement shifted and we veered to the gate .
12 I have many memories of Eton : services in College Chapel , especially in winter when the lights were lit and I listened to the massed singing of a favourite hymn ; the Headmaster , Dr Alington , an Olympian figure in scarlet gown , taking " absence " on the chapel steps ; the Fourth of June , a festival peculiar to Eton , and fireworks bursting over the river ; the Field Game on winter afternoons while mist crept across the grounds ; the lamps in the High Street and crowds of boys hurrying back to their houses before " lock-up " .
13 But all that was put to one side when the protests started and we took to the streets .
14 I was promised that I could learn t I could be a nurse if I went and I went to the Bishop of Liverpool 's erm household in Liverpool .
15 We mourn the loss of the person who died and we respond to the change that this effects in our lives with panic or elation or anxiety or a whole gamut of emotions that may take us by surprise .
16 They are not gaining financially but there is a cost involved and it falls to the NHS .
17 So how does the committee operate and what happens to the results of its deliberations ?
18 They learned part of the answer as dusk was falling and they came to the tower and castleton of Heiton , beyond Kale Water .
19 But erm when we , by the time we got into Hull I heard it on the radio what had happened and we went to the toy fair and then we came back and there was er you could see all the ambulances and everything still there .
20 So the weeks and months passed and I went to the local fire station once and sometimes twice a week and listened to lectures by firemen on firefighting and war organisation and what different officers wear in undress and fire uniform .
21 His bedroom door was n't shut and I listened to the stillness inside .
22 ‘ Fortunately the traffic cleared and I got to the studio to start my show with two minutes to go . ’
23 the bell to get the bus to stop and he goes to the next flaming stop !
24 His ears twitched and he turned to the tree .
25 He tore at the roots that were pinioning his ankles , breaking his thick horn nails in the process , but the roots held and it seemed to the two watching Renascians , that the Tree Spirits swayed and murmured with amusement .
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