Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] it [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the way back to his conversation the barman punched a button on the television and suddenly they were in Texas , where folk lived and loved fit to bust and discussed it all in idiomatic but poorly synchronized Italian .
2 When the net has been pursed and brought to the side of the boat , the seiner can release the tension on the headrope of the net by the backdown procedure , which enables the back of the net with the finer mesh to sink and makes it easier for dolphins to escape , while the tuna continue to swim around in the net below .
3 There the wee man goes and spoils it all by sayin' he 's not an ice man and if we get ourselves into a really bad pressure ridge he could n't say fur sure what would happen .
4 Their concern is to understand the mechanisms that keep capitalism going and make it resistant to challenges — so that they might strengthen those challenges .
5 The one she had n't seen for twelve years , had been ranting about , who never raised a finger to help and left it all to Nancy ?
6 ‘ You just wo n't try and make it easy for yourself , will you ?
7 Cos they 'll try and sell it most of it off anyway because they have their stocktaking .
8 He sounded almost admiring , but then went and spoilt it all by adding , ‘ Although I suppose if you 've gone through life getting yourself into situations like this you would be bound to develop a fairly strong streak of subbornness by now . ’
9 The rich peasant I 'm gon na save some money right , I 'm got ta finance industry so we mechanize so you collectivize and take it all of me .
10 And they go and spoil it all by cutting it in chunks .
11 Cover it to stop the water from evaporating and leave it undisturbed for 3 or 4 days .
12 Their manager , Alex MacDonald , an old Ranger himself , is clear about what his side can and can not do : ‘ We work hard and harass and make it difficult for the opposition . ’
13 We all it is ba , well I say all it is this bloody great strip right be between the ceiling and the walls , the right length of corridor and the manager see it and he said look that should be shiny sort of like and it 's all pitted so he said you 'll have to go up here he said and do it all with steel abrasive said fair enough .
14 Then Pete sat and polished it dry with a soft cloth until the wheel was shining .
15 The doctor said to me , ‘ Have n't you been told about these things ? ’ then sat and explained it all to me .
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