Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [pron] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 It is the possession of a common culture and the ability to communicate and pass it on to others that distinguishes the human being from other animals .
2 You 're concentration goes it 's like er it 's like someone 's going to try and head it in to the net and he 's trying to work out which corner it 's going into and he 's
3 They di they did n't want to feed those on strike , they wanted to try and get them back to work did they ?
4 And they do n't really want to go on using you as a a sort of prop , because I mean you ca n't afford that because you 've got lots of other clients and you , you know really the aim is to try and get them back to self-sufficiency .
5 PP : You had every right to retire if you wanted to , but of course we also had the right to try and persuade you not to .
6 Replacing the shoebox but leaving the tell-tale sea of marbles , he stood on Vic 's bed and tried , without success , to jump and pull himself up to the small opening .
7 right and do n't worry about getting 'em done and getting 'em back to us
8 Davide is against him , he came and told me afterwards to be careful .
9 ‘ Because my fa — his father came and took him away to Hambury . ’
10 The offence was compounded when one Anthony Hurke released the animal from where it had been impounded and turned it back to the Down and was himself fined .
11 He 's going to resist and negotiate them down to whatever it is they really want .
12 And because we 'd found self-esteem , we had the courage to go and sell ourselves successfully to employers .
13 Just occasionally , she caught sight of the cooking pots bustling down the wagon towards Gabriel and pinning him in a corner , and then she would laugh and heave them back to the top of the cart .
14 ‘ Do so and dear Uncle will simply laugh and put it down to my youthful impetuosity .
15 Her flesh shrank away from the paw 's touch , as if gathering and compressing itself on to the bone .
16 I 've been sent here to find out what really happened and get him back to the States . ’
17 She ran down the first flight of stairs , and then turned and dragged herself back to the flat .
18 The first boy , still above her , turned and pushed her violently to the ground .
19 He turned and pointed it out to her .
20 Finally a soldier arrived and took me back to the Star Room .
21 and I thought come into my head , it 's probably complete rubbish but it seems logical at the time which was , if you got rid of er , a lot of the various taxes that they paid and put everything on to VAT , apart from the fact that you 'd be a few , just by upping the rate of VAT they would collect the extra monies , you 'd save a lot of the money you 'd pay in administration costs by , all the various different departments er
22 ‘ I know , ’ she replied and dropped it on to the couchette .
23 Adam had laughed and told her not to be dramatic .
24 He collected and threw it back to the pursuing fielder with an easy gesture-then suddenly clutched at his left side .
25 Lorimer grinned and beckoned her over to the long windows .
26 Yanto grinned and pointed it out to Billy as he came around to join him ‘ I 've found him , ’ he said quietly , ‘ and you must admit he is very hygienic . ’
27 Two medics arrived and carried him off to the First Aid Post .
28 erm I think and what I 'll try and do , I 'll try and bring erm , I 've got two on the Thursday and I 'll try and bring them forward to the Monday , cos Monday 's a baker 's day is n't it ?
29 Er , at some time during the course of tomorrow morning , I 'll try and bring you up to date as to where we are in terms of the items that have fell off the agenda so far .
30 Do n't try and make me out to be some kind of embittered nut compensating for an unsatisfactory sex-life . ’
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