Example sentences of "[verb] of the [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was something then , to be an artist , and there were people like Gaston around to recognise it , whereas the English , ba , what did the English know of the art of LIVING ?
2 We did n't even know of the existence of electricity until a couple of centuries ago .
3 Zenith did not know of the existence of Acme 's program — no infringement of copyright .
4 The liquidator does not know of the existence of stock records in support of £50,620 , and XY Ltd , in taking over the stock , stated they did not have schedules/lists which would enable them to identify what they took over .
5 READERS of the August issue will know of the dream of Lotsi Jacobyini to establish a community for handicapped people in the village of Atea in Romania .
6 TOO MUCH , too soon is expected of the branch of computer science known as artificial intelligence ( AI ) .
7 The Crimean Tatars , however , were officially exonerated of the charge of disloyalty much later , in 1967 , and they were given no general right to return to their former homelands , not least because the territories they had left had now been settled by other nationalities .
8 The main result that emerges from such an existential self-analysis is that man owes his understanding of the meaning of being to the fact that he exists in an object-transcending manner , and is therefore able to conceive of the possibility of nothingness , i.e. of the world not existing at all .
9 One is reminded of the mime of Marcel Marceau …
10 I am , in some strange way reminded of the enigma of mortality and immortality , of birth , life , growth and ultimately death .
11 He will be reminded of the saying of Jesus , ‘ ’ He who has seen me has seen the Father . ’
12 Our aim is to ensure that individuals of all backgrounds and means can live free of the fear of sickness , poverty and crime .
13 The issue of decentralization of services to local bases in the community has inevitably brought with it questions of the decentralization of budgets .
14 How valuable this Romanian channel of military information was to the Pentagon may be doubted , but it is revealing of the extent of Ceauşescu 's duplicity .
15 Technology serves as a ‘ background ideology ’ that takes on legitimizing power and Habermas writes of the fetishization of science as a ‘ new ’ ideology .
16 He 's charged with dismembering and disposing of the body of Stephen Davison , from Swindon ,
17 This is a real upholding of the dignity of baptism and the vocation of the people .
18 Parents will be interested to know of the sort of records that will be kept on their children .
19 When a puppy is settled in the home with you it will soon indicate its willingness to play even though you may not approve of the choice of toy .
20 During the Bishopric of John of Bradfield 1278–1283 , we find John Usher of the parish of Snodland being granted land in Halling and Holborough .
21 What will the law make of the output of expert systems when it comes to deciding the authorship and ownership of that output ?
22 What sort of estimate did you make of the time of death ? "
23 Resolved that , from the report of the Committee consisting of the Earl of Morton , Chairman , & c this meeting is perfectly satisfied with the Character & Conduct of the Professor Mr Vial and is of opinion that the conduct of the Secretary Mr Huntingford is highly culpable in having propagated reports injurious to the Professor Mr Vial after he had reason to be satisfied the [ sic ] were groundless . ’
24 As we have seen , there are now 46 further education establishments in Wales consisting of the Polytechnic of Wales , three national institutions , six colleges and institutes of higher education , and thirty-six major establishments .
25 Present-opening sessions are generally unpredictable affairs , the pictures being shot with mobile camera on a catch-as-catch-can basis with the sound mostly consisting of the rustling of wrapping paper being undone and the excited squeaks of the recipients .
26 They also called for wider consultations , and a meeting between the US Department of the Interior and the Belau Olbil era Kelulau ( OEK — National Congress , consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate ) to discuss the document was scheduled for September 1990 .
27 It is a constitutional monarchy in which the King ( currently King Hussein Ibn Talal ) appoints a Prime Minister ( currently Mudar Badran who in turn selects a Council of Ministers ; this last is responsible to the bicameral National Assembly , consisting of the House of Notables ( Senate ) and the House of Representatives .
28 At first sight it may appear that the general pattern of Soviet trade with the Third World , consisting of the export of capital goods and equipment in return for raw materials , could be applied successfully in Latin America .
29 Measured photographs of these dolls , reminding of the documentation of immigrants arriving at Staten Island , hang on the surrounding walls .
30 An example was given of the type of index entry items that could be supported by the system :
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