Example sentences of "[verb] be in [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 It has been in my family for a thousand years .
2 ‘ This lodge has been in my family for three generations , ’ Matthew continued .
3 ‘ This has been in my mind for a long , long time .
4 ‘ The average Computer Security Manager has been in his job for about 10 months .
5 She 'd been in his company for less than a minute , and already they were sparring .
6 When he proposed to her on the last night I think she took him because , having been in her room for seven days , she 'd met nobody else and could n't bear to see her investment wasted . ’
7 They had seen little of Rosemary Talbot during the last four months , so it was n't until they had been in their flat for a week and Leith went across the hall to invite Rosemary and her husband over for a celebratory drink that Leith learned that Derek Talbot no longer lived there .
8 The title had been in her family for generations , and her family appealed against the early Middle Ages ruling which bans women from being Freemen .
9 Fabia had been in her room for a good half-hour before she cooled down sufficiently to realise that maybe her reaction to Lubor 's hauling her into his arms had been a little — fierce — perhaps .
10 What had been in my head for so long now out there , in the world .
11 This doubt had been in my mind for some time but the research was undertaken due to a number of reasons .
12 Mimi Machu , who had been in his life for longer than any other woman , apart from Sandra Knight , left him quite suddenly for pastures new , which some said was due to his own attitude to their relationship .
13 It had been in his possession for quite a while and Broomhead felt it was about time he sold the thing .
14 They had walked quite some miles , she realised on the return journey , and she had been in his company for quite some while , so it came as no surprise to also realise how totally unsuited she was for the job she was there to do .
15 Only then did she realise that , for all she had been in his company for a total of several hours now , she still did n't know the first thing about him .
16 Anyway , ’ his gaze shifted slightly and his tone grew harder , as if he regretted the revelation , ‘ he was forced out of business and lost the boatyard which had been in his family for four generations . ’
17 The signalman , knowing that this train had been in his section for some time and was overdue , set his points and signal from the up main to the up goods loop to allow the up passenger train , following the goods , to run past without any unnecessary delay .
18 If Jesus had been in your class for drama , who would he have chosen to work with in a pair ?
19 So , we if we our receptionist if we can say those are our key specifications , again it 's a loose idea this is not easy sometimes to look into it , partly because we 've been in our jobs for quite a while and you know we do n't , we can clarify it , but think about your subordinates and people that might be trained .
20 Hearing : After they have been in their homes for quite a short time , people who live near railway lines cease to hear the sound of the passing trains , even though the noise may seem deafening to a visitor .
21 The report and accounts have been in your hands for the statutory period er , and you 've had the chance to read my statement .
22 er when , mind you he 's been in his job for a while now .
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