Example sentences of "[verb] be a [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It would 've been a bad time for t'road between t'two farms ti be blocked wi' snow . ’
2 It has been a traumatic time for everyone at Burston during the past year or so and a great deal has been achieved over a very short time .
3 It has been a strange time for customs officers thought Western Europe and North America .
4 The past year has been a vexing time for most research councils finding themselves in the situation of having to reduce their volume of activity within a failing budget .
5 This has been a painful time for you . ’
6 It has been a busy time in London , with new contracts across the city .
7 The Trevino era has been a special time of my life and he 's made me feel special .
8 ALL I want is a fantastic time with just as crazy a female .
9 It must have been a testing time for the boffins at the Telecommunications Research Establishment ( TRE ) at Malvern to find an operational RAF pilot in their midst , competing with them and reducing by months the time-scale normally associated with getting things done .
10 It must have been a worrying time for Titfords and Hasteds alike , not to mention the rest of the inhabitants of the densely-populated riverside parishes ; the victims of the killer — or rather the remains — were laid to rest in a corner of St George 's churchyard , while the murderer himself , who eventually committed suicide , was buried with a stake through him at the top of Cannon Street where the newly-built Commercial Road crossed .
11 ‘ It must have been an awful time for you . ’
12 The late 1920s and '30s seems to have been a bad time in the Woodchester area for fires .
13 It had been a difficult time for everyone , but especially Diana , who was perhaps closest to her father of all the children .
14 She said the Edinburgh summit had been a tense time for the family when it seemed all Mr Garel-Jones ' work on Maastricht could have come to nothing .
15 Many secondees had been a considerable time in their pre-secondment posts and were looking for variety .
16 I know I 've been a long time on this but I 'll I think it 's nearly there .
17 The last two or three years have been a testing time for the 180 people who work at Angered .
18 Well that 's no surprise ; but it 's been a long time in coming .
19 It 's been a long time in the pipeline …
20 It 's been a gloomy time in gloucestershire for industry in general , with more than a thousand jobs dissapearing from the Dowty group , the counties largest engineering employers , over the past twelve months .
21 ‘ We have lost four games recently that we never deserved to lose so it 's been a hard time for us .
22 It 's been a difficult time for the sales and marketing team at Thame in Oxfordshire .
23 A Immediately after it is published is an important time for lobbying the Government but by the time the White Paper appears , the framework for the reforms will largely be set .
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