Example sentences of "[verb] start [verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion he had failed to do so , and had had to start negotiating when he got to his destination .
2 What is everyone going to start thinking when they see how you 've cut the ground from under my
3 Then Barnes decided to start playing and we won 2–1 ! .
4 His heart will have started to race as he looked left and right and saw the two main practice strips .
5 At her parents home in Parkgate , The Grange , she said : ‘ I do n't intend to start smoking and I do n't like being in the company of people who smoke , especially when we are on holiday abroad and people smoke at the table . ’
6 Then ‘ View halloa ! halloa ! ’ she screamed , making sure that the pack had started to chase before she spurred Fontana toward the point in the hedge where Charley had threaded through .
7 But , by that same morning , Ben Braithwaite had started to believe that he had thought of the cut in wages all by himself .
8 The plane had started to shudder as it entered some turbulence , and Myeloski was startled by it .
9 The prosecution said that the two had been out drinking and had started to fight when they came home .
10 They were longing to start cheering but they did n't dare .
11 I was courteous , but did n't encourage conversation too much because I wanted to start detecting before it got too late .
12 And er and she said he enjoys it and he goes to playgroup I think he must go to Dennington playgroup cos he 's going to Dennington school , and he enjoys sitting down and being , likes looking at books and he 's started writing and she said actually she said I 'm really panicking because I 'm frightened that I might be teaching him wrong and that I 'm I said well why do n't you pop in and have a word at the school ?
13 Do you know something , it 's alright I 'm looking at the rear screen , I think it 's started working since you 've pressed it , look .
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