Example sentences of "[verb] bring [pron] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Money has driven them deeper into the planet , money has brought them down in the world …
2 Yet , curiously , the science that has changed the presentation of text has brought it back under the control of a single person , just as it was when the first presses printed .
3 ‘ But the affair went wrong — and that 's what has brought you back across the Tasman .
4 There is , as yet , no system in operation which allows your competence to be assessed to a national standard , and it will be left to the discretion of your service manager , and course tutors if you have undertaken a back to nursing course , to decide whether you are ready to return , or what additional guidance or preparation you may need to bring you up to the required standard .
5 He says well I , we were on about sort of and he says bring it up at the next meeting , I says
6 computers and that and er he left it and he just carried on talking about this that and the other , and he says right I 'm going and he went and he left the game , he 'd brought it down for the kids , he did n't say , you know
7 This is a similar fallacy to that of those in my profession who are constantly aspiring to bring everybody up to the average .
8 You can begin to bring someone back to the present if you can gradually get them to remember events in their life nearer to the present day .
9 We absolutely no , no , you 'll find we wo n't leave this topic cos there 's three people who actually want to come in now and I 'm going to bring them in round the table .
10 Well not recycling bringing it back into the thing , washing it and and refilling .
11 There could only be one reason why Ross — always such a proud and unforgiving man — would have broken his own self-imposed exile and contacted her ; only one reason why he would have brought her back to the quiet privacy of her own apartment .
12 That area of your life not only is of no interest to me , but I also consider it in very poor taste that you should have brought it up in the first place ! ’
13 If the template veers off target , you may attempt to bring it back towards the original target .
14 The memory was only a couple of minutes old , but he felt that scrap of the past unravel to bring him back to the moment when she said , ‘ I 'd been out to meet someone .
15 ‘ It took me three attempts to land the fish but eventually I managed to bring it in to the bank and my mate Paul scooped the net under it .
16 It would even be worth surrendering his prey , to have brought him down to the ignominy of lying to excuse himself .
17 In the longer term , however , we know that the UFC intends to force down unit costs as part of the expansion process and that if we do not expand we will have funding removed to bring us down to the unit of resource of those who have .
18 ‘ I 've brought them up in the fear of the Lord . ’
19 It was much smaller than the one that had brought them out of the Store , but still quite big enough .
20 I fear not , for indeed ‘ they hearkened not unto Moses ’ , they murmured against him , and against Aaron , which is to say , they murmured against the Lord , for was it not the Lord Himself , speaking and working in Moses , who had brought them out from the land of Egypt ? ’
21 Erlich heard his instructions to the lady who had brought him up to the third floor .
22 Her mother had brought her up in the strict religion of the Mormon church , which made her very guilty about having sex .
23 And before that he had brought her back from the world , home again into the enclave of the Scarabae .
24 I guessed why she had brought me round into the shadow .
25 The accidents that had brought me back into the past were real enough .
26 It was the music that had brought me in from the hall where I had been lying .
27 He had found the second-hand playpen advertised on a newsagent 's board in Norwich and had brought it back on the top of the van .
28 " This is the course of lectures your daughter is taking , " she said trying to bring him back to the matter in hand .
29 Now BBONT , the local Wildlife Trust , is trying to bring them back to the area .
30 Well no just screaming at the top of his voice , our Ben had to bring him down in the end and give him a drink and start again , even then I had to stay with him until he went to sleep
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