Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] from this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The following information has been extracted from this report :
2 New Zealand winger Terry Wright , a member of the All Blacks seven at the last six Hong Kong tournaments , has been dropped from this season 's trip .
3 For example , in Schermer-1 in the western Netherlands , an average porosity and permeability of 20% and 10 mD , respectively , has been reported from this lithofacies , with maximum values reaching 26% and 149 mD ( van Adrichem-Boogaert and Burgers 1983 ) .
4 Barbados-born John Holder , who umpired four Tests in Pakistan in 1989–90 , has been omitted from this year 's panel for international matches , which comprises ‘ Dickie ’ Bird , Barry Dudleston , John Hampshire , Mervyn Kitchen , Battie Mayer , Ken and Roy Palmer , and David Shepherd .
5 Mr Heseltine has long advocated an extension of such agencies to other British regions , and Sir Geoffrey 's new-found support could signal Cabinet debate on industrial policy — an issue which has been omitted from this week 's conference agenda .
6 Criticism of the theories has been omitted from this chapter for the sake of simplicity .
7 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
8 Moreover , we can not understand why the 10% contribution estimated to have been made from this source to total aggregates provision in the past was added to , rather than subtracted from , projected future demand ( PIP 2.7 ) .
9 A sepoy with a green turban had had his spine shattered by The Spirit of Science ; others had been struck down by teaspoons , by fish-knives , by marbles ; an unfortunate subadar had been plucked from this world by the silver sugar-tongs embedded in his brain .
10 He had been called from this office to so many bodies , in such different settings , such different states of dissolution , old , young , pathetic , horrifying , having in common only the one fact , that they were violently dead and by another 's hand .
11 With the laity , the clergy suffered from the levying of purveyances in the early years of the war , even though by the statute of Westminster of 1275 , confirmed in 1309 and 1316 , they had been exempted from this obligation .
12 The Arcadia colony had been controlled from this space station since the first landing .
13 Only after causatives have been studied from this point of view both in English and in other languages will we be in a position to attempt valid generalizations across languages .
14 Materials have been developed from this study and two books describe 12 pre-school schemes and centres which are attempting to develop relationships between parents and workers ( Pugh et al 1987 ) .
15 Overall , the world 's savanna lands ( those in Australia have been omitted from this discussion as this chapter deals specifically with developing countries ) present both considerable potential and considerable environmental degradation .
16 ( Three authors publishing more than 100 papers each have been omitted from this graph ) .
17 ( Three authors publishing more than 100 papers each have been omitted from this graph ) .
18 In addition a single visit was made to five sites , but these counts have been excluded from this analysis .
19 Two conclusions have been drawn from this evidence :
20 As well , the Milton Keynes-based team have been banned from this weekend 's end-of-season showpiece in south London , the Evian Inter Counties tournament .
21 Five hundred and forty tubes of the drug have been stolen from this warehouse in Milton Keynes .
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