Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] by these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 David Noble ( 1977 ) takes this argument a stage further and argues not just that the use , but also the design , of the CNC machine tool has been influenced by these management control considerations .
2 Madam Deputy Speaker I only wanted to make a short intervention er er on this point and I think I will return to it from time to time because it is a perennial , annual problem of every time the minister introduces a a rule and regulation we can understand it 's extremely useful and how can one say that er regulations about fraud are not useful , it 's just the culture of our country has been besieged by these rules and regulations and I 'm surprised that anybody can actually make any profit or do any business simply because of the weight of officialdom and the weight of rules and regulations which prevents them from getting above er the the surface .
3 Spalding concludes that , with few exceptions , such as the tin miners in Bolivia , labour has been coopted by these mechanisms and not proved itself to be a revolutionary force .
4 There were several contemporary examples of similar patriarchal claims by the archbishops of Hamburg , Lyons , and Milan ; Lanfranc may have been inspired by these examples when he vigorously supported the Canterbury claim to patriarchal authority over the whole of the British Isles .
5 His face was still but Sheldukher could see that he had been troubled by these words .
6 This was a time of panic , in which one farmer alleged that a thousand of his sheep had been killed by these parrots ; but it is now known that they rarely kill sheep .
7 Six years of misery have been caused by these utilities .
8 ‘ Yet again the depths of depravity have been plumbed by these people .
9 ‘ And you have been persuaded by these arguments ? ’
10 That so many museum curators have been deceived by these fakes is less surprising when seen in the context of both the style itself and the history of archaeology in Oaxaca .
11 The diversity of family forms that have been produced by these changes amongst others is illustrated in figure 6.2 .
12 The highly charged politics of national identity that have been occasioned by these developments have been transposed into a higher , shriller key by current concern over the appeal of a wide pan-European disposition tailored to the new range of possibilities that flow from tighter political and economic integration of the European Economic Community .
13 Regrettably , in a field which is becoming increasingly litigious , when authors who criticise in print the prices certain publishers charge for their journals have been sued by these publishers , it is difficult to see how further research along these lines could be published with equanimity .
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