Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh adv] [pers pn] can [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In Chapter Seven I 'll consider how you can raise your visibility , whether it 's at work , as an entrepreneur or in your community .
2 Parents really do want to know how they can bring their children up to understand , very simply , what is right and what is wrong .
3 I think it 's wrong to underestimate erm i i it 's particularly initially , how , how positively reinforced it can , it can be around you erm , just this the idea of losing weight and that er you know , people will be wha , for whatever reasons are , either envious or they want to know how you can do it , they want to know , and particularly if it 's linked with exercise then it 's all very good things to do and you know , the media 's telling you and a , everyone 's telling that this healthy lifestyle that actually then goes out of control through being so controlled erm e e , there 's a , well there 's a thin line between it , being a very positive experience , and you 're suddenly buying smaller jeans and erm you know , it 's just everything is is feeding , if that 's the right word , this idea that it , that that it 's tremendous to be
4 But I do n't know how they can have them as twins do you ?
5 I do n't know how he can swallow them there
6 Very good , takes photo , you know , I do n't know how he can do it , I ca n't .
7 ‘ The thief did that , ’ she told him , ‘ and I do n't quite know how I can repair it .
8 ‘ I do n't know how I can help you .
9 If I ca n't get promotion on the basis of all the hard work I 've done for the organisation over the last five years then I do n't know how I can get it .
10 ’ I do n't know how you can watch it like that .
11 The other day , in America , the driver of my car said : ‘ I do n't know how you can leave her , ’ and I felt like smacking him in the face .
12 ‘ I do n't know how you can defend him unless he either denies everything of confesses something . ’
13 ‘ Do n't know how you can stick them .
14 At this point , the group , already developing the skill of asking ‘ answerable questions ’ from a position of expertise to be shared , ask for further information on the basis of what Mr E had told them : ‘ You mentioned how he can surprise you by occasional good work .
15 And he wants to know where he can buy them in Ipswich .
16 Do you know where we can find him ? ’
17 If they 're no longer staying here , perhaps you 'll let me know where I can find them … ’
18 I 'll give you my home telephone number , and if you do n't find them until after I 've returned , and you 're not successful in persuading Suzie to go back to England , all I ask is that you let me know where I can contact her .
19 If they 're not on the corner , it-s likely the boys there will know where you can find them .
20 I do n't know where you can find it though .
21 People do n't know when they can get it or not .
22 I do n't know when he can do it .
23 I 've got a fiver , I do n't know when I can change it , but I want to change it , erm .
24 Do you know why we can see them at night and not at day time .
25 ‘ They 'll be pestering me to know when they can see you again … ’
26 And the best remedy for this doubt is to know the sure and sufficient reasons God has given us , to know why we can know God is there , to know why we can trust his revelation as true , to know why we can be sure of his love and his goodness , and to stand firm in our understanding of these truths .
27 ‘ I really do n't see how we can accommodate your dear grandmother at such short notice …
28 ‘ I do n't see how we can stop them , ’ said Floy , his eyes on the circling Tree Spirits and on the four Oaks who were now hauling on their claw-like roots , dragging Balor 's limbs outwards away from his body .
29 Then you 'll see how we can help you make your home a better place to work .
30 They are what they are and I do n't see how they can change their style .
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