Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh adv] [adv] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 She had wanted to know how much it mattered to him because he would n't let on , and it gave her a valuable lever .
2 One woman described how differently she reacted to her father 's death , when she was thirty-four , and her mother 's death , ten years later :
3 But it depends how much they want to .
4 Now that we have established the principles of inheritance , and the methods by which it can be studied in complex cases , let us see how well they apply to behaviour .
5 On the one hand , Labour Members know where their roots are and they know how much they matter to them desperately .
6 Ask someone else to justify how much it meant to us .
7 I know she wo n't board but I tell you , I tell you the main advantages of boarding is that a lot of times if you , you know when sometimes you get to the point where you 've done so much prep and you 've got lots more and you really you feel like you ca n't cope
8 Maurice Peston a professor of economics , Harold Edey , a professor of accounting , and many others accepted the CNAA system , worked on its behalf , and — in Hanrott 's formulation — ‘ people in polytechnics did not always appreciate how much they owe to them ’ .
9 The Ashleys fully appreciated how much they owed to Sybille and treated her with great respect and kindness ; faux pas , which from other members of staff would have met with icy reproofs , went scarcely noticed .
10 ‘ That 's why I cried a bit when I scored , because I knew how much it meant to them .
11 Knowing how well you respond to suggestions for articles/series , I 'd like to make a few of my own …
12 She had never liked the arrangement that had installed her in the Ward household , but having heard the tragic story , and knowing how much it meant to the woman who had rescued her from a life of loneliness , how could she refuse ?
13 We tend to take our water for granted , a turn of the tap and we have all we need , but we should consider more this most important mineral , without which we could not exist , the dry summer of 1976 proving how much we owe to water companies and the men who operate them .
14 I wonder how long it takes to burnt alive in a blazing Tornado ?
15 I think that he , who could have had as many friends as he wished , never realized how much it meant to a lonely and friendless person to have a friend , to be seen walking with him in the rose-red streets of Salamanca , to be able to go to a concert or an art museum with him , to have him opposite me at dinner in even the meanest , cheapest restaurant .
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