Example sentences of "[verb] [indef pn] [that] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Old stopcocks were not made to a standard size and it may take some searching in plumbers ’ merchants to find something that will enable you to connect new copper pipe .
2 In the long run we still want something that will enable us to stop the resistance completely , ’ she said .
3 In the wind and rattle sounds I 'd hear her start to cry and put my arm around her and lift her chin and say something that would calm her .
4 Say something that will get her … interested . ’
5 ‘ You mean that you do know something that may help them ? ’
6 ‘ There is nothing I can tell you , Officer , ’ said Iris in her stilted French , ‘ but my friend has something that may interest you . ’
7 Fortunately , and by pure chance , I had said nothing that could lead her to assume that we thought that she was travelling with them — as arranged . ’
8 Why do n't you do something that will get you somewhere , Karim ? ’
9 She must never ever do anything that might make them fight .
10 I 'm a pretty perceptive person , I understand people quite well , but I never dreamt that my mother could do anything that would damage my daughter so greatly .
11 Editor , — Allyson M Pollock and Azeem Majeed 's arguments in response to our editorial on consultant episodes could perhaps be summarised as ‘ the internal market is intrinsically flawed and we should not do anything that would delay its demise . ’
12 ‘ I still think you 're totally wrong , but I 'd never do anything that could endanger you — or the club . ’
13 Jack Russells are difficult animals to teach to retrieve — I have only had one that would do it properly — but they can be taught to work nets , drive rabbits into nets and to be thoroughly disciplined in all they do .
14 I think that the tour around the factory will be quick , but you may see something that will set your mental cogs turning again .
15 I refuse to hear anything that might disrupt my own plans .
16 ‘ We do n't like anything that might give someone the idea to stick a poor fish in beer .
17 All you can really do is construct something that will divert it or block its way for a while ; persuade it to do something it does n't really want to do .
18 I hope you 've heard something that 'll make you think , and think positively and perhaps act positively .
19 Give me ten years and I 'll make something that can do it in twenty . ’
20 ‘ Too busy to do something that might benefit your mother ? ’
21 She looked wistfully up the companionway to the square of blue sky , but fought the urge to go up on deck , scared he might ask her to do something that would reveal her ignorance .
22 Plan to do something that will take you out of the house and , perhaps , go for a long walk .
23 I 'd be lucky ter get anybody that could match 'er in the kitchen .
24 ‘ This will be an opportunity for them to come into their own but without having to do anything that might upset their families . ’
25 It was dangerous , too , to appear too over-confident , or to do anything that might provoke him into making his unofficial fatwa slightly more public than it was already .
26 ‘ The Government is pinning its hopes for economic recovery on the housing market , so it would n't want to do anything that would snuff it out , ’ said Mike Simpson , Suffolk spokesman for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
27 Why would I want to do anything that would lessen my chances of making money ? ’
28 ‘ Tom , I might have something that can help you with the Lewis case . ’
29 But their real function is to give people a chance to be famous for five minutes , by saying something that will get them on to the next news broadcast .
30 Make the best of a bad job and busy yourself doing something that 'll keep you out of the firing line .
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