Example sentences of "[verb] [ex0] [vb mod] be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But I expect there will be copies of the same tune on paper and in peoples ' brains for centuries to come .
2 As children grow there can be changes in their vision , and since screening tests may be infrequent , teachers should be aware of some of the physical signs and behaviours that may indicate that a child is having problems with sight .
3 For many years to come there will be generations of children growing up without the chance of an education so we have yet another challenge , that of the invisible children .
4 He says there could be problems on some courses .
5 He says there could be problems on some courses .
6 Er a a and with a family row in in it as well you can imagine the work involved was a bit more than initially might have been expected and I got criticized because the bill was bigger than I had first estimated cos I did n't expect there 'd be trouble from the father .
7 H7 it is in the new light Pavilion on the Alexander Palace Site and we hope there will be hordes of visitors .
8 Er Trading Standards Officers have been helping the police have made a large number of visits to sales in recent months targetting those where we know or suspect there will be concentration of counterfeiter goods and these stolen items we 've been taking and seizing items , we 've been making inspections and er we will also be distributing some leaflets to try and advise people of some of the risks and dangers that face them at this sort of event .
9 Even when the inflation rate is fully anticipated there will be costs of adjustment which will fall on both individuals and firms .
10 I do n't believe there will be problems at that distance of noise of dust and the visual impact of this hill must be limited at that distance .
11 In every city that Easter Sunday , I was told there would be sermons on patriotism ( ¡ Viva el Peru ! ) ; national and civic pride would be celebrated .
12 I know there may be variation in degree as it were , according to which particular aspect of infrastructure you 're looking at .
13 When she returned there would be aggro over major matters .
14 I dare not ask directly what is the precise matter but I see in Mr Browning 's eyes an anxiety deeper than usual and he confessed to me the other day that he fears there may be water on the lung .
15 Eileen Plant , who patrols outside Hurworth junior and infant school , fears there could be accidents along Roundhill Road unless some sort of parking restrictions are introduced .
16 I 'll be running the other way you 'd think there 'd be loads of people going to pubs and stuff would n't you ?
17 In Darlington , where the Neighbourhood Watch scheme is supposed to be the biggest catch all since the trawl net was invented and where you can get into terrible trouble for suggesting there might be holes in the net the number of burglaries from houses has increased by 25pc in a year .
18 Do you think you also were hitting the rawest of nerves within the church , and maybe within Archbishop McQuaid himself , by suggesting there may be homosexuality among priests and even implying that people could get pleasure from sex ?
19 They realized there would be difficulties in discrediting the evidence of Mr Ross 's false identification of Meehan 's voice and of that of the planted pieces of paper , but nonetheless remained optimistic .
20 We believe there may be elasticity in a Government with a very narrow majority nationally and a very vulnerable position in Scotland . ’
21 When the L4 emerge there may be ulceration of the mucosa .
22 Please talk to your class members and let us know at the March QT DAY if you feel there would be support for the idea .
23 He had hoped there would be time for a quick cup of tea but it was n't to be .
24 Rose had decreed there should be music in her shops , and she had selected the repertoire herself .
25 That is , assuming there will be room for them once the full panoply of testing and assessment is in place .
26 Both he and Mr Balladur knew there would be strains between them .
27 ‘ I knew there would be trouble at that roundabout — the road approaches it at a very acute angle .
28 On the other hand , since his agent had accepted the terms so avidly , he thought there might be problems in getting them changed .
29 Not all of his predictions were right ( he thought there might be war with China ) .
30 Mr Pannick said those who had drafted the relevant EC directive in 1989 had ‘ in their wisdom thought there should be freedom of reception throughout the EC and one should rely upon the state from which the signal emanates to exercise appropriate controls ’ .
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