Example sentences of "[verb] [been] through the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This case has been through the due process of law , has been carefully considered at every stage and reviewed at frequent intervals .
2 Unlike North America the involvement of government in economic life has been through the increased regulation of the private sector ; in the U K it has resulted in the public ownership of the industries or utilities concerned .
3 This programme has been through the first round of application approvals which saw the Regional Council gain around £17,000 to capital and around £600,000 to revenue .
4 Littlewoods has been through the classic problems of succession for a company built by a single man .
5 Pat in EastEnders and Bet in Coronation Street who were both , I think , wonderful before they got married have really become very boring now that they 've got husbands , and Rita , of course , has been through the terrible chastening and disempowering experience of a ‘ film noir ’ femme fatale .
6 Food which has been through the steaming mode has an appetizing colour , is cooked al dente ( still firm when bitten ) , and retains all the important nutrients , vitamins and minerals .
7 I suggested that help might come from friends who 'd been through the same scenario , or from genuinely sympathetic relatives ( but not critical ones ! ) .
8 Having been through the usual bass/guitar/drum formative years , they 've moved sideways to a shiny guitar/keyboard sound which draws on the good bits of the early '80s , without being retro .
9 Having been through the six months of the greenbelt local plan enquiry , I can say quite clearly to this er examination in public , that I doubt whether there is the land available erm er around the inner edge erm erm to increase the level of of housing development in and around the city without seriously prejudicing greenbelt objectives .
10 Despite having been through the regulatory mangle time again and time again , the group still has the potential to generate a lot of cash , and yields about 8 p.c. on forecasts for 1993 .
11 Some of the delay is inevitably due to the way in which the applicant , having been through the preliminary investigation and the visit from the occupational therapist , considers the scheme proposed for him before proceeding to the formal application stage .
12 The women I spoke to who had been through the whole procedure told me of the many exhausting visits they had had to make to the British Embassies and High Commissions , of the atmosphere of contempt at these places , of the pettiness of the Entry Clearance Officers ( ECOs ) and interpreters , and the rude and unreasonable questions they had had to answer .
13 L Detachment at the time consisted of around one hundred men , most of whom had been through the basic training course .
14 Brian and I recounted the awful journey , but , of course , all the Yanks had been through the same ordeal .
15 He had been through the same mill a couple of years before .
16 Now they and their mothers could share more things because they had been through the same experiences — something that happens with older mothers and their parents as well .
17 Well , Walter had been through the same things , but he wanted to put them down on paper .
18 I had been through the same sort of trouble on behalf of my husband , applying for full attendance allowance on March 3 .
19 Once you had been through the three years what did you find had developed most for you as an actor ?
20 It could be about particular authors who 've been through the public-school system , or even about the way the system works at close hand .
21 Maddison , 22 , has survived four knee operations and he said : ‘ I 've been through the worst time of my career — now , at last , I 'm getting the chance to show what I can do .
22 We 've been through the whole thing with adoption !
23 I 'm , I 'm an alternative medicine practitioner and I tend to get a lot of people who are depressed coming to see me , people who have been through the normal routes
24 Written by Sarah Daniels , it is being performed by Clean Break , a theatre company mounting professional productions performed by women who have been through the criminal justice system , including ex-prisoners , ex-probationers and those committed at some time to secure observation and psychiatric units .
25 We are often talking about young people who have been through the entire menu of alternatives to imprisonment before they are sent to a young offenders institution , formerly known as a detention centre .
26 Once you have been through the various categories listed above and picked out all the names to be included next step is to arrange them in some sort of order .
27 Having watched Leeds from an early age when my father was a season ticket holder in the 60's , I have been through the good times and the bad times .
28 Erm Works , Q S , Business Manager , B E S have been through the same process as you 're going through today .
29 At the end she left I said do ring Cathy if you feel like it because I 'm sure she wo n't mind well it would be nice for us to find out who 's been through the same thing recently .
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