Example sentences of "[verb] [that] it would [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sri Lanka broke off diplomatic relations with Israel on April 20 , 1990 , announcing that it would restore them when Israel recognised the PLO , withdrew from the occupied territories and agreed to participate in an international peace conference .
2 ‘ Dr Adams thinks that it would help him in handling her case . ’
3 Elrond 's adamant refusal to take the Ring is because he has considered its advantages but is wise enough to see that it would ruin him utterly .
4 After the collapse of the communist regime in late 1989 , the new East German government announced that it would allow US , Israeli and other researchers access to state archives dealing with the Second World War and in particular with the extermination of Jews and other war crimes .
5 I wondered if he believed that it would kill me .
6 He says that it would cost him more money if he went the other way .
7 In London during the Great Plague people chewed on the root , believing that it would protect them from the disease .
8 They estimated that it would take them four months to build the cells , the measuring equipment and constant temperature baths .
9 No need to stiffen up like that — you must see that it would affect me professionally . ’
10 Rufus had thought Goblander needed a thorough overhaul and the mechanic confirmed this , adding that it would cost him .
11 The turbo-alternator manufacturers reckoned that it would enable them to cut between six and nine months off delivery dates , and the boiler-makers reckoned the standardisation of boilers to supply steam to the standard units would also speed up construction .
12 They also sensed that it would help them to make sure that managed competition was made to work ; they feared that , if it failed , politicians might opt for a government-run programme that would cut them out entirely .
13 The dialogue form of what became the Two chief world systems ( 1632 ) was a brilliant response to these restrictions , Galileo probably calculating that it would protect him from censure , even if his impartial discussion pointed to far from impartial conclusions .
14 Knowing what he would find when he went there , and knowing that it would pain him , Edouard delayed the moment when he would make a formal inspection of the house .
15 He knew that it would make her feel inferior and stupid and insignificant beside the sultry Domino and her no doubt dazzling sexual experience !
16 And as he leaned against the railings he suddenly tasted it , the moment Creed had planned for him , the moment he 'd always longed for , dreaded now , still longed for , and it was burnt sugar , sweet and caustic , on his tongue , it was like the flight of a bird across a window , it was there and it was gone , he could n't dwell on it , he could n't let the terror in , all he knew was what it would do for him , he knew that it would give him membership , he 'd be past the sliding sheet of glass , he 'd finally belong .
17 Yet he must somehow tear the pain out with his hands or he knew that it would kill him .
18 Christy O'Connor Jnr played on the second morning and Jose Maria Canizares in the afternoon and although they did n't give me any points I felt it was important that they got a chance to taste the atmosphere and feel a part of the proceedings , as I thought that it would help them going into the singles .
19 Only last year we saw how building workers who left the Union of Construction , Allied Trades and Technicians when its leadership fell into the hands of the far left were prevented from joining the General , Municipal and Boilermakers union , even after the GMB had indicated that it would welcome them .
20 The previous day the Russian government had announced that it would extradite him to Germany on Dec. 13 ( where he faced criminal charges in connection with his regime 's " shoot-to-kill " policy on escapees ) if he did not leave Russia .
21 ‘ I hardly think that it would help you if I were to give it . ’
22 Neutral commentators may disagree about exactly how much a statutory minimum wage would increase unemployment , but they all agree that it would increase it by between 64,000 and 500,000 .
23 It was estimated that it would take them two to three weeks to get to the Falklands and therefore , theoretically , the decision could be rescinded if there were some kind of diplomatic breakthrough .
24 Although the buoyant Lewis camp have not given up hope of staging the Holyfield fight here , they estimate that it would cost them a massive £17.5m purse to do it .
25 He notes further to the comments above that while the substitution of will in ( 16 ) " would merely say that it would cost him a fortune if he took them home " ( idea of conditionality ) , the be going to construction expresses the idea of a " current orientation " towards the realization of the infinitive 's event ( here the speaker 's intention to take the books home ) .
26 ‘ The way I left was very , very frustrating and a lot of my friends concluded that it would finish me forever in management .
27 ‘ The way I left wasvery , very frustrating and a lot of my friends concluded that it would finish me forever in management .
28 Meanwhile , the unruly people of Rome , currently opposed to the Pope , suggested that it would suit them better to confirm the imperial crown upon Barbarossa .
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