Example sentences of "[verb] [that] she [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Georgie then pulled a master-stroke by revealing that she had a talent for automatic writing .
2 I made it clear that I wanted our discussion that morning to focus on business matters , but I realised that she had a need to talk to someone , preferably someone discreet .
3 She managed to slip the skirt over her head gingerly and settle it in place with its ribbon ties , but she realised that she needed a maid to lace up the front of the separate bodice for her .
4 And when his wife Jane announced that she wanted a divorce , 48-year-old Mr Elton finally cracked .
5 I noticed that she looked a bit unhappy so I went across to her , worried that she might be a bit of a madam and would n't like to associate with the likes of me .
6 She was surprised , because she had thought that she had a vocation not to marry .
7 Annabel could hardly believe that she had a daughter about to go to university .
8 Once I was given the address of Mikhoels ' wife , Anastasiya Pavlovna Pototskaya , and I was told that she had a lot of Chagalls , and that she may possibly want to sell them .
9 So when , on that fateful afternoon , enchanting in pale amethyst , unpinning her huge straw picture hat , crowned with a bouquet of early spring flowers , she was told that she had a visitor waiting to see her — ‘ A Mrs Greville .
10 I know that she spent a lot of time writing alone in her room ; and when Anne was at home , she and Emily often talked and wrote about the world of Gondal together .
11 But she was more tired than she knew , and soon she began to wish that she had a suitcase to sit on ; but hers was on the rack in that tightly packed carriage , and she could n't go back for it .
12 When she was ten years old she discovered that she had a past .
13 She was still bent to the Dobermann when she discovered that she needed a moment to control a knot of emotion that came from the thought that she would see neither the dog nor its owner again .
14 I seem to recall that she baked a stone of flour a week making bread and teacakes to keep all those mouths fed .
15 She implied that she had a right to you last night . ’
16 Although it appears that she reached a peace with her father , she found herself constrained within that relationship ; she portrays several fathers who are sympathetic , and one especially who is repugnant .
17 Even now that she had been made a director of the firm , Laura was well aware that it did n't mean that she had a job for life .
18 Jehana at Alexei 's side grasped the sleeve of his coat , and he saw that she carried a hiranu which was similar to his own , save that it was encased in a jewelled sheath and was strapped to the girdle which she now wore over her gown .
19 As she got to her feet he looked underneath her , remembering the equipment cows had , and saw that she had a semblance of the same thing , although nothing like so dangly as a cow 's , but quite satisfactorily dripping at that moment with what he supposed was milk .
20 She was so disorganised and absent-minded that , while out visiting , she would often forget that she had a daughter , leaving her stranded for hours .
21 Erm well I think she felt that she needed a bit of life cover , you know , with the children and so on and so forth .
22 Carolyn gathered that she spent a lot of time at the Refuge .
23 She felt happier about Kathleen now that she knew that she had a champion in Ella , but she had little time to dwell on the O'Neills .
24 No one knew that she had a mare .
25 He knew that she carried a pouch of poisons .
26 She 's going I bet that she looked a state !
27 He hugged her to him and insisted that she had a drink on the house .
28 Might it have happened that she met a horse drawn set on its way to day , and that she squeezed herself against the tunnel wall in a vain attempt to let it by without harm to herself ?
29 Suddenly she remembered that she had a bar of chocolate somewhere .
30 She started to think that she had a vocation for taking heroic decisions , but it was really nothing more sustaining than a rabid kind of recklessness that erupted suddenly and then left her feeling bleak and inept .
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