Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [subord] [pers pn] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Some people say that since you 've been away , and the conference illustrated this quite dramatically , particularly the fringe meetings .
2 As a book reviewer of some 25 years experience I am not , and never will be , of the school that thinks that because you have been given a free book , you should give a good review .
3 Her face burned as she realised that while she had been soaring naïvely in previously unthought-of heights of bliss Luke Hunter had just been mentally carving another notch on his bed-post .
4 Perplexed , Ashley looked at him , then it registered that as she had been astonished to see him so he was equally stunned to see her .
5 Department of the Environment ministers announced that though they had been advised that the statue was part of the listed building , and that consent was therefore required for its removal , they none the less considered it was a chattel , and would not take enforcement action .
6 Earlier Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke admitted that if it had been his decision in 1953 he would have reprieved 19-year-old Bentley from the gallows .
7 Erm do you have cases where the where the girls or same faces keep popping up or do you do you feel that once they 've been pulled in they it puts them off ?
8 They may feel responsible for adding to the dead person 's problems or may feel that if they had been more alert they would have noticed their friend 's or relative 's distress .
9 Official accounts of the trial noted that although he had been involved in plotting the occupation of Tiananmen Square , he had given himself up to the police and had shown " repentance " .
10 On Harper 's behalf it was said that although he 'd been reckless , dangerous and stupid by starting the fire , there 'd been no evil or mischief in his mind .
11 ‘ Would he have said that if it had been 0–0 ? ’ asked some hard-bitten locals pertinently .
12 He and his friends would have seen that if they 'd been allowed to talk for a bit .
13 He had seen that when he had been watching her ; had seen how she looked at everything with that curious , almost arrogant stare of hers .
14 Views from the patio are unbeatable … but you wo n't believe that till you 've been there .
15 A letter from her killer and kidnapper to West Yorkshire Police claimed that after she had been beaten unconscious , then strangled , her body had been kept in a wheelie-bin for two days before being taken to where it was later found Easton , near Grantham , Lincs in July 1991 .
16 It was n't suggested to Mr when he gave evidence that there was another man at the flat that night , I am told that if it had been his answer would have been an unequivocal no .
17 Furthermore , people vary in their tolerance from day to day , and it is not safe to assume that because you have been to 15,000 feet or so without oxygen before , you will be able to do it again .
18 But it 's definitely a unique sound , with that percussive effect that ca n't be recreated on an electric bass — and I know that because I 've been getting sampled a lot recently …
19 Like many graduates stimulated by their experiences , he discovered that although he had been of sufficient calibre to acquire the offer of the scholarship in the first place , he now faced the inevitable service obsession with a rejection of academic prowess in preference for ‘ practical skills in the real world ’ ( ibid. 157 ) :
20 I sent the cheque back , saying that although it had been immensely good of them to bring me up , I must have been a great burden and was now a disappointment , so I would prefer them to keep this money as some repayment for all they had done .
21 To his horror Henry saw that as he had been brushing her teeth he had started to grip her neck , hard .
22 He felt that if he 'd been wearing a gun , this man would have known .
23 Only then did she fully realise that if she had been five minutes later the watchers keeping a lookout for a stray boy might , tomorrow , have been hauling ashore the sodden body of Gus Hambro .
24 He was a real old country doctor , of a type that is fast dying out , and she knew that if she had been a few years younger he would have patted her on the cheek .
25 And she knew that if she had been made welcome from the start , she would still want to be with them , in spite of this comparative luxury .
26 Maybe people thought that since she 'd been a witch when alive , she 'd be a ghost once she was dead .
27 Maybe people thought that since she 'd been a witch when alive , she 'd be a ghost once she was dead .
28 Examining her responses to this normal catalogue of everyday events , of life , she found that she wished she was dead , had been dead for some time , so that she was used to it : and then she thought that if she had been dead for long enough , she would probably be bored with that by now .
29 No material was found , and the Home Office insisted that if it had been it would not have been made public .
30 ‘ Yeah , well , I 've tried that when I 've been really pissed up , ’ admits Mark , ‘ and it 's never really worked .
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