Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 If you suggest that he has done anything for a base motive such as money , he replies , ‘ That does not do justice to you , or to me . ’
2 I do not know that she has done anything wrong .
3 ie a ‘ flag ’ is set by the software , which means next time you speak or meet a character he will know that you have done something .
4 to know that we 've got something tied up
5 If we say that they do have something in common with other things that look white we must remember that their having something in common simply is their looking white .
6 Erm , now what that means is , if you ca n't answer the question and you 've only got a few lines down then sort of trying t w blur it a little bit and make it waffly so that there 's something we can point to and say that you 've written something , right ?
7 ‘ You say that you have heard nothing from him — as regards the future marriage , that is ?
8 But I realized that I had to do something pretty dramatic to avoid too serious an accident .
9 He paused for a moment and she realized that she had said something wrong .
10 no they 'll think that you 've nicked one from the Co-Op wo n't they ?
11 But it is a lawyers ' word , and those not used to legal language might naturally think that it meant changing something or exchanging property for other property .
12 In fact , I do n't think that I 've mentioned anything since March , but I am not sure that I did anything really productive during April .
13 For example , research has shown that performance on these tests is unrelated to intelligence , at least above a certain minimum level of IQ , suggesting that they do tap something different .
14 They realised that they had to tighten everything up , an approach which was helped immeasurably by the mid-second half arrival of Dean Richards .
15 It was late in the afternoon when he realised that he had eaten nothing since breakfast , and he was about to go out into the town in search of a restaurant when the telephone rang .
16 When one day I tidied up and cleared out this cupboard , I realised that I had ignored everything in it for over a year .
17 Not unless B S I we to were to exs , expect to see that we have audited everything before they came .
18 Therefore it is nonsense for the Opposition to claim that we have done nothing at all about the problems of retraining .
19 ‘ You mean that you do know something that may help them ? ’
20 ‘ But the day I wrote this song I honestly believed that I did love everyone ! ’ insists Paul , chirpily .
21 Everything David had shown her of himself had made her love him and yet she believed that he had done something unspeakable .
22 Even now he could n't stop himself from making a comic routine out of it : looking at his fingers , his face screwed up in disgust , pretending that he 'd found something unspeakably revolting in the depths of his pocket .
23 She was transferring her anxieties to him and now that she recognised that she wanted to do something about it .
24 Gary again started to pray about YWAM as he recognised that he had lost something — perhaps his original vision was wrong .
25 The union says that we have to accept everything that they say .
26 The dodgy S & M imagery of ‘ Raping A Slave ’ ( actually a meditation on power and work ) and other included tracks form the ‘ Young God ’ EP and the still-withering power of ‘ Cop ’ ( ‘ Nobody burns your skin off like a cop ’ ) amidst the all-powerful monotony show that we 've lost something along the way .
27 THE Tory politicians have talked about the need for action on the drift-netting problem but achieved nothing for , as is par for Westminster course , when they say something they delude themselves into believing that they have done something .
28 One constable had the temerity to state that we had had nothing to eat since 9.30 a.m .
29 Whatever they do , it ca n't be the placebo effect : she 'd need to remember that she 'd taken something .
30 A a a member of staff may feel that they want to say something about a kid , and it does not necessarily have to agree with what the kid
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