Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [conj] [art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 Ten years ago it was supposed that when the database was up and running it would be relatively easy to find additional funds from outside to cover the running costs .
2 Abramson and his colleagues suggest that when a person is unable to resolve a problem he attributes his helplessness to a cause .
3 She adds that while the CHA is not presently advocating de-insurance of any specific service , a practical example is the hotel cost of hospital stays .
4 It is worth noticing that while the subsidy was levied on the income from land , it fell on the capital value of other forms of property and was therefore heavier for merchants and townsmen .
5 The standard conditions provide that if the seller is buying another property in a related transaction , he or she may use all or part of the deposit as a deposit in that transaction , to be held in that transaction as stakeholder .
6 As a condition of this appointment you are required to accept that if the appointment is not renewed or extended at the end of the period referred to you will not be entitled to claim any rights to complain of unfair dismissal under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 , as amended , which authorizes the exclusion by agreement of any such claim in the case of an appointment for a period of one year or more .
7 You are further required as a condition of this appointment to accept that if the appointment is not renewed at the end of the period referred to then you would not be entitled to claim any redundancy payment under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 or under any analogous provisions , should your appointment not be renewed at the end of the period referred to .
8 Daedalus mused that if the metal was not uniformly heated , upwelling convection cells would form within it .
9 In analysing these figures , which are detailed in Tables 2 and 3 , below , it must not be forgotten that since the Survey was conducted in summer , the proportion of visitors from outside Edinburgh will be higher than at other times of the year .
10 Moreover , it should not be forgotten that if the teacher is " a resource " as well as books , audio-visual materials and three-dimensional items , then a similar claim can very properly be made for items of resource equipment .
11 Section 1 of the Law of Property ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1989 specifies that if an instrument is to be a deed , this must be clear on the face of it , and that the requirement for individuals to seal is abolished .
12 Both Atticus and Judge Taylor realise that the case is lost before that trial even begins because they realise that because the jury is all white , they can not convict a black man against a white man 's word .
13 You all say that but the truth is , the theory and the practice are worlds apart .
14 Some people say that once the car is adjusted I should alternate between leaded and unleaded petrol ?
15 They say that as the meeting was drawing to its conclusion , everyone was waiting for a certain person to utter a few graceful words by way of a thank-you to the summit host , Mr Mitterrand .
16 Yet many bakers say that if the yeast is not left to develop , the resulting bread has a lot less flavour and structure .
17 Yes , but your normal sale of goods rights , John , say that if the vehicle is n't in reasonable condition , bearing in mind it 's age , previous history , price paid , then you have a claim under the Sale of Goods Act , so where are you taking us beyond that ?
18 But hotels and garages along the route say that if the bridge is n't repaired soon , many of them will go out of business .
19 They say that when the decision was made to transfer the spinal unit at Harlow Wood to Nottingham 's Queens Medical Centre about a third of the hospital 's work was removed and no new contracts were negotiated to fill the gap .
20 For the present purposes , however , the model 's general validity for European societies pre 1980 illustrates that although a state is necessary in a capitalist economic system its particular form can vary substantially to reflect local circumstances : form and function should not be confused .
21 In a randomised blinded phase I/II trial comparing Ro-24-7429 with nucleoside RT inhibitors in 96 patients ( CD4 50–500/L ) , Haubrich et al ( California , USA ) found that although the drug was well tolerated , it was ineffective in producing either a rise in CD4 count or a fall in p24 antigen activity .
22 Preliminary investigation found that when a topic is closed two options for the ensuing course of the interaction may be relevant : making a definite move to close the whole conversation , or beginning a new topic by actively searching for something to keep the conversation going .
23 Approve that the SRO is amended to provide that where a bill is paid by deduction , then either [ i ] if within a three month period following delivery of the bill written objections are made by the entitled third party or client , notice of rights under the SRO should then be given , or [ ii ] the notice of rights under the SRO must be served on all clients and entitled third parties at the time of delivery of the bill .
24 Assume that almost every lawyer and judge in Britain accepts that if a statute is duly enacted by Parliament with royal assent , and there can be no real doubt about what the language of the statute means , then the law is what the statute plainly says it is .
25 Davy reported that if a candle were surrounded by a wire gauze mesh , the gas would diffuse into the gauze enclosed space and burn there without exploding .
26 Speaking after the news that the Liberal Democrats had taken Cheltenham , he prophesied that before the night was out there would be many more new Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament .
27 Since the earliest days of stepping motor development a large number of designs have appeared , but it was soon realised that if the motor is to produce a significant torque from a reasonable volume then both the stationary and rotating components must have large numbers of iron teeth , which must be able to carry a substantial magnetic flux .
28 The owner of the horse had not realised that if the horse was threatening her , that its ears would be held firmly backwards , and not just relaxed backwards .
29 There 's one parametric control and one pickup and almost anyone from a distance would think that where the pickup is positioned is a soundhole , but the weight of it soon tells you it 's not hollow ! ’
30 The Lieutenant opined that when the science was properly understood all promotion in the army would be based on careful skull measurements .
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