Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pron] can [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Bond owners might like to know that they can use her Knitmaster Chunky ribber-carrying cases for their machines — the bags are the perfect size for the Bond Classic .
2 ‘ I realised that you can sell your science by being a good scientist , but that you can also sell your science by having a correct image and by pure professionalism , ’ she says , elegant in a black and cream two piece .
3 Gary 's expert advice , will also ensure that you can maintain your style throughout your wedding day and if required , adapt it for your honeymoon .
4 I have a Rule of Life ( No. 74 , actually ) which says that you can work your way out of most situations if you can give yourself enough thinking time .
5 For myself and Eileen as we move on to a ministry which will have its own surprises in the days ahead , we hope that we can lead our beloved Church on .
6 But I do n't believe that they can predict its effects .
7 And and people say it 's sometimes the only er money tha that a mother wo gets that she can call her own and and use in the way that she wants to .
8 At any time we know that we can change our earthly vision for the sublime .
9 In the contract it states that they can chose their own producer , recording budget and studio .
10 A change of mind does n't fit any of the above criteria , although if the order or advert states that you can have your money back if you have a change of heart , then of course you can .
11 This makes it especially important that they be carefully selected for the work they do , that their tasks and functions be appropriate and clearly defined , and that they receive whatever training is needed to ensure that they can perform their jobs adequately .
12 The 1992 UN conference on the environment could be the right place for an analytical look at what the world needs to do to ensure that it can feed its vulnerable populations in the next country .
13 Erm , now some of you , you know , er , this is a big company , you probably have very intricate expense forms type things that you have to do , but if you want to , kindly note that you can analyse your expenses on the front of the envelopes
14 If the families believe that they can enjoy their social hours with the territorials , they will support their men and womenfolk and encourage them to maintain their membership of the Territorial Army .
15 It appears that they can delay their body clock with ease but they can not advance it , so that if they ever go to bed late then they are stuck with a body clock ( and bed-time ) that tends to become ever more delayed .
16 Our success in Europe means that we can reassess what we need to do to defend ourselves ; it does not mean that we can lower our guard .
17 I am sure that West Yorkshire will welcome any assistance that the schemes can give , and will also appreciate that its rate support grant has increased by 16 per cent. , but that does not mean that it can bring its force up to the required standard .
18 And do n't forget that you can double your return if both husband and wife invest .
19 Therefore , a very important part of the treatment programme must be helping the client to face up to their fear and stay in the difficult situation learning that they can control their anxiety .
20 The Sword Masters are so superlatively trained that they can wield their mighty swords as fast as an ordinary warrior can use a normal sword .
21 It means that it can use its paper to finance the bid without using its cash resources or resorting to further borrowing .
22 Knowing this as the Empire player means that you can position your volley guns to block obvious enemy lines of advance .
23 I think that you can leave your mark there .
24 I could go on , but I think that I can make my points simply and graphically by quoting from the documents that I have with me .
25 It is so easy to think that we can keep our bodies fit and healthy simply by taking care of their physical needs .
26 But , I think it would be illusory to think that we can maintain our profits from land in ninety three at the same level as it had been for ninety one and two .
27 Finally , neither individual nor corporate bodies must be allowed to think that they can salve their civic consciences by generous donations to worthy causes .
28 I 've now come to realise that physically Will is no longer around , although I still like to think that I can feel his presence in other ways
29 Taliesin murmured something that sounded like , ‘ All the riches of the world we shall lay at thy feet , ’ and Fribble , who felt that a note of practicality was called for , said , ‘ Be assured that we can pay your fee , ’ and Calatin looked pleased .
30 As for Adams , he must be hoping that he can regain his place on Party Politics in the coming season .
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