Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pron] would [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Anyone familiar with the clear , highly distinctive aroma of geranium would know that one would need to be totally anosmic to confuse it with the soft , deep notes of sandalwood .
2 The demanding business of running for the presidency had shown Carter to be an exceptionally energetic , ambitious and intelligent politician and it was to be expected that he would want to be an activist in the White House — a president who left his mark and fulfilled the commitments he had entered into during the campaign .
3 The leaders of the two Unionist parties , James Molyneaux ( of the Ulster Unionist Party ) and the Rev. Ian Paisley ( of the Democratic Unionist Party ) , effectively bypassed the ultimatum by announcing that they would fly to London on May 15 in the hope of meeting John Major , the UK Prime Minister .
4 Mercer produced a key and gave it to me , explaining that I would come to a locked door .
5 So and , and I think maybe it 's a good idea that we write and say that we would like to be given an opportunity to speak to them .
6 The Ambassador had responded that he would go to the top and make representations to President Ceauŝescu himself .
7 We found that she would answer to either name , but did n't respond to any other .
8 But even with the camera occasionally disconnected we realized that we would have to be incredibly lucky to overpower a guard in our room without alarming whoever was upstairs .
9 Both agreed that there would seem to be no rational explanation , but everything pointed to the fact that Aubrey Clark was revisiting his old signal box .
10 I had to agree to do so , and it was arranged that I would go to the Taibach house the following Sunday afternoon .
11 Taking equation ( 4.29 ) to represent the economist 's model , it is easy to see that he would recommend to a government that if it wished to achieve a higher level of real output it should raise the rate of growth of the quantity of money .
12 As to the presumption , Mr. Philipson , while prepared to acknowledge that it would apply to the reasonableness test , submitted that it did not apply when considering whether the Bank of England was acting in performance of its functions .
13 I am now writing to confirm that we would like to film at Jodrell Bank on the afternoon of Wednesday 14 June .
14 The Iraqi government announced that it would respond to " this aggression … in the appropriate manner at the appropriate time " .
15 Following his meeting with Baker , Itzhak Shamir , Israel 's Prime Minister , announced that he would recommend to his Cabinet that Israel attend a Middle East peace conference in October .
16 5.1 In considering the rate at which course proposals can be validated , the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee recognised that there would have to be a range of validation models , each of which will be tailored to the course and the centre .
17 Moran had decided that they would go to the church in their uncle 's big old car .
18 The affair had dominated relations between the two countries , and Rocard now hoped for a fresh start , although Bolger noted that they would have to " agree to differ " over French nuclear policy .
19 The summit communiqué " welcome[d] trends in Iran to improve and develop its relations with GCC member states " but noted that there would have to be " serious work to settle differences " .
20 She imagined that he would come to a halt , but his fingers began to explore inside her knickers , moving steadily towards her warm and willing crotch .
21 In his letter announcing the betrothal , João had said that he would come to Ireland in the summer in order to take Sara back to Lisbon before the autumn storms , so her expectation of his arrival mounted with each passing day .
22 ‘ I have always thought that I would like to be a fashion designer .
23 Almost until the day of opening the new buildings were unnamed , and most people probably thought that it would continue to be the " Stockport Secondary School " .
24 Among such factions as may exist in a constituency party one is likely to be dominant , and to imagine that it would consent to the nomination of candidates not numbered among its adherents is scarcely realistic .
25 He had never dreamed that it would happen to him .
26 Except , as we have seen , for confident bourgeois like James Mill and Edward Miall , both those who campaigned for universal suffrage , like the Chartists in the 1830s and '40s , and those who dreaded and opposed it were agreed that it would lead to the political domination of the working class .
27 Workers indicated that they would like to be able to take their holidays without being obliged to find a replacement and so have to do double duty before or after their holiday .
28 The government responded cautiously to the offer , stating that it would have to " asses the genuineness of the [ LTTE 's ] declared intentions " .
29 Nobody with his integrity and substance — and again she marvelled that he would go to the extent of altering his house to enable his anything-but-lovable stepmother to live in it .
30 I thereupon telephoned the director-general of the BBC , Charles Curran , and arranged that he would come to my home that evening .
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