Example sentences of "[verb] [that] [pron] would [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 A fifteen-year-old in grey flannel wandering around London in school holidays with an adolescent 's apocalyptic vision , praying that he would lose his virginity before the bombs came and blasted him to oblivion .
2 That way , a business man making an investment would know that he would get his money back within four years .
3 He promised that He would build his church .
4 On Oct. 16 the Romanian National Assembly approved by 324 votes to seven the new Council of Ministers proposed by Prime Minister-designate Theodor Stolojan , who undertook to accelerate reforms and promised that he would continue his political neutrality and would not stand in the forthcoming ( 1992 ) elections .
5 But Mr Chirac promised that he would give his full support to the government , expressing criticism only in private to Mr Balladur .
6 If a man was lucky enough to get a job it was expected that he would use his position to find jobs for others in his family or village .
7 Ruth doubted that anything would dim her stepmother 's exuberance for long .
8 Government employees were given the day off to swell the crowd , and Mr Hun Sen emphasised that only his party could guarantee that they would keep their jobs .
9 He could n't really think that she would stop her investigations just because of a few threats ?
10 The three countries agreed that they would withdraw their co-operation even if the Warsaw Treaty summit now went ahead .
11 There were some risks to life and limb , however , over which she had no control ; how could she ever have guessed that she would outlive her son Robert by almost exactly 10 years ?
12 The German authorities announced that they would request his extradition in connection with his alleged collaboration with international terrorists and in particular the 1983 bombing of the French consulate in Berlin [ see p. 33039 ] .
13 On publication of the findings , Carriers , a leading US air-conditioning and refrigerator manufacturer , announced that it would inform its clients of the dangers of HCFC-123 and was considering advising its service engineers not to work on machines containing the material .
14 However , the CITUB announced that it would continue its strike until it saw guarantees of the character of the new government .
15 After MPs sat all night to defeat a private members ' bill to enable building of the Cardiff Barrage , the government announced that it would introduce its own bill to ensure that the measure passed into law .
16 Early last month , the New-York Historical Society announced that it would close its library and cease all other operations to concentrate its efforts on resolving the grave financial crisis that threatens America 's oldest historical society with extinction .
17 Earlier this spring , the Society , which had closed its galleries and ended all public programmes , announced that it would close its library and shut down entirely unless it received emergency public funds .
18 The European Communities had pledged $144,000,000 , while the United States announced that it would increase its $54,000,000 in annual aid to $84,000,000 to assist the transition to democracy .
19 Maginnis had been listening to almost two hours of complaints about the police when a woman announced that she would clap her hands if she heard of an RUC constable 's death .
20 Frau Weber announced that she would have her daughter returned by the police .
21 Faye said nothing more about it , but when they got home she announced that she would take her blood-sugar level and evening insulin dose in her room and then lie down on her bed until dinner .
22 On the following day Kim announced that he would honour his family 's wishes and remain within the DLP .
23 Immediately after his election Kucan announced that he would renounce his party membership for the duration of his four-year term .
24 He announced that he would pick his ministers himself , rather than submit to the dictate of party leaders used to bartering cabinet posts for parliamentary support .
25 The rest , mainly those with acquired impairments , believed that it would assist their rehabilitation .
26 ‘ Roman is an unusual Christian name , ’ she said , wishing and dreading that he would remove his hand .
27 He hardly dared hope that she would change her mind and marry him .
28 Something which could interest her without being thought so eccentric or so socially damaging that it would upset her mother .
29 The trading employees in India were not paid salaries in the modern sense of income they could live on ; they got small retainers , starting at perhaps £5 a year , and it was taken for granted that they would supplement their retainers by trading , sometimes acting as agents buying the goods that would eventually be exported by the Company ( though this could easily lead to fraud ) , but more often dealing for their own account .
30 He seemed to take for granted that she would share his views on the derelicts .
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