Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [be] [verb] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 In this state it is not unusual for the subject to think that he has not been hypnotized at all , but has simply felt very relaxed for a short time .
2 When you remove the old guttering , even if you find that the top part of the fascia board has not been painted at all , paint it now — after repairing any damage , including any caused by removing the guttering .
3 The missed approach is commenced immediately on reaching decision height , if visual contact has not been made at this point .
4 Unfortunately there is no evidence to offer from BSL since the natural order of emergence of BSL has not been studied at all .
5 In the case of Charles the Bald , though , given the rich documentation , and the giants ' spadework , the surprising thing ( to invert Dr Johnson on women preachers ) is not that it 's been done badly , but that — with two partial exceptions — it has not been done at all .
6 But I would make clear to Mr if he looks at the minutes of the budget review sub-committee , that the suggestion of the director of property services wastes his time fully exploring all options for the disposal of all or any part of the County Farms estate , for which he probably asks for a large amount of money , since it involves an enormous amount of wasted time , is not been agreed , it 's a non-delegated item , it was a recommendation of this committee which has not been moved at this committee , and it was a most unfortunate and woolly form of words .
7 The fact that it constantly re-emerges suggests that the deafness problem has not been solved at all .
8 The past two years have only seen the start of the process , and in terms of M4 the process has not been started at all .
9 Rather than examining the visibility of women in all the various types of sociological analyses of power , I am going instead simply to draw attention to an area in which the undoubted social power of women has not been considered at all .
10 Despite the abundance of reserves , coal production in the USSR has not been increasing at any significant rate .
11 But Group Captain are you saying that as er a platform it has not been degraded at all , there 's basically no change in thrust , in turn rate or in airframe G loading ?
12 It was an untidy sort of buildup but the ball fell invitingly for on the edge of the area and who has n't been scoring at all this season finished with all the aplomb of a player who 's full of confidence .
13 My bicycle was there , and it had not been damaged at all .
14 And quickened his steps because , of course , they had not been lost at all and , of course , it had been ridiculous to think they had been .
15 The ancient civilizations were firm believers in a form of hypnosis ( although the word itself had not been coined at that time , only coming into existence in the early nineteenth century : it derives from the Greek hypnos , meaning sleep ) .
16 It was Grizel Huntley 's own view that her brother had not been fooled at all but had been charmed and diverted by a dashing girl thirty years his junior , and had seen no reason at all why she should not have a share of his considerable estate when that left a very decent down-setting for his niece as well .
17 He had not been seen at all at his office .
18 Unfortunately , it had not been left at that .
19 This speech was published in Pravda on 24 January under the title of ‘ Lenin 's Political Testament ’ , which must have rung some warning bells for many within the Party since Lenin 's actual political testament had not been published at that time .
20 So much so that , although it had not been mentioned at all in the advance publicity , it was given no fewer than 87 times that season and remained in the programmes for the next six seasons , by which time the company had danced it more often than any other work in their repertory except Les Sylphides and two of Ashton 's ballets , Façade and Les Rendezvous .
21 Cave later discovered that the box of parts had not been opened at all ; another conversation premised on something that had not occurred , designed to raise both the bidding and the temperature , and a chimera .
22 The charcoal-grey cartridge paper had not been introduced at this stage .
23 So I naturally had to bear in mind the possibility that the jewel had not been stolen at all by any outside party , but ‘ caused to disappear ’ , let us say , by the Strattons themselves .
24 She had n't been reading at all but had been glancing out of the window not seeing the gracious gardens that surrounded Summer Lodge , but planning ways to help Craig when he came to her .
25 Joe had called her some names , and had n't been reassured at all .
26 ‘ It was the rainy season and the runway had n't been concreted at that time , ’ she explained .
27 Because Rohan had n't been overwhelmed at all — had he ?
28 It was n't so much that Kefalov appeared already to be a more sordid city than the capital , as that this particular city had n't been devastated at all .
29 Well , we had n't been wondering at all , we 'd come straight along the corridor , but of course he was speaking in a wider sense .
30 In some areas , such as the Three Valleys water company region north of London , aquifers have not been replenished at all .
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