Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] house [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Getting sucked down into the house and the house things and the babyworld and the child-world and the cooking-world and the shopping-world .
2 The reform was not carried through in the House but the phrenologists urged or reformers elsewhere and , indirectly , their enthusiasm led on to William Forster 's Education Bill of 1870 which established in Britain the system of elementary schools for all .
3 Her imagination visualised Luke — always an early riser — driving up to the house and immediately recognising Richard 's car parked outside .
4 ‘ I thought they 'd gone off my land and started driving back to the house but then suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back .
5 The maid would have to be dismissed of course … the girl had brazenly admitted allowing Patrick back into the house , and Katherine was n't sure which annoyed her more — the fact that the boy had managed to creep back into the house or the fact that he had been alone in the girl 's bedroom .
6 ‘ You 'd better come back in the house and dry your shoes and socks , ’ said Betty .
7 She just wanted to dash out of the house and let the rain cool some of the thoughts flying around in her mind .
8 There are soft , flat miaows to be let out of the house and pitiful , drawn-out miaows to be let in again when it starts raining .
9 Once he actually fainted in the mud and had to be carried back to the house and revived with cold water .
10 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
11 She had just finished breakfast when Alain drove up to the house and he was alone ; Marguerite noted that fact with some surprise .
12 Paula Hamilton is renowned as the actress in the Volkswagen commercial , who storms out of the house and throws away expensive gifts from her lover , except of course the keys to a new car .
13 If they did n't pay the rent they could be turned out of the house and have to sleep in a ditch .
14 Wearing dark glasses and dressed in a polo-neck sweater , corduroy trousers and desert boots , with a towel round his neck , he simply strolled out of the house and down towards the harbour .
15 Fire would break out in the house and he would be trapped in his room , unconscious ; she would climb up the ivy at the back of the house and help him to get out .
16 He stood and watched her walk back to the house and then he went back to his work .
17 Or had he crept out of the house and left her shut in here ?
18 Keith nodded and darted back to the house and Jinny walked on down the path , trying to ignore Rachel , who was in the doorway .
19 Course I immediately darted back in the house and told me dad and well , and er he says er , you can look out for some trouble then now like , you know and er , nothing happened .
20 When I walk out of the house and through the square on my way to a final peaceful meditation at my favourite bay view in trigo cebada , the young man from last night comes out of a doorway with a large cassette in his arms .
21 The Tarvarian came out of the house and took Rostov 's reins .
22 Some more people came out of the house and got into the other car , and both cars drove away .
23 I came out of the house and then I saw the roof on fire .
24 Stand back from the house and observe the roof and gutters through binoculars .
25 ‘ Such as going back to the house and making love to you until you start begging for mercy . ’
26 She turned back to the house and resumed searching .
27 One day in summer a lady on horseback rode up to the house and knocked on the door .
28 Alice then , all clean and brushed , and in a nice blouse with the small pink flowers and the neat round collar , walked out of the house and went next door , to No. 45 , as though she had been planning to do this all day .
29 Wycliffe glanced back at the house and again saw the seated figure in the upstairs room , but now he had the impression that the figure was facing him , looking out of the side window .
30 He glanced back at the house and she wondered who was in the kitchen .
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