Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This led to the usual talk of dismissing coach Luis Gradin , the man in charge throughout this period of successive defeats , but he will stay on at least until the end of the year when the present Argentine RU committee changes .
2 What else used to go on in there in the way of activities you mentioned billiards and card games and dancing ?
3 She looked at him blankly , conscious of the anticlimax that had brought her tumbling down from out of the clouds , then she nodded , while making an effort to convey the impression that his kiss had failed to have the slightest effect upon her .
4 And if , one day , the pick-up does catch on over here with the vigour of Ray-Ban shades , Zippo lighters and Levi jeans , it will make the last great fashion car , the Golf GTi , look about as silly as velvet loon pants .
5 Work has come in from all over the UK , and even the charity Farm Africa uses the Hoy facility .
6 When we heard about , when we heard about the faxes that had come in from all around the world .
7 the farmers will hope it holds off at least for the next few weeks .
8 And that figure also coincides with the the estimated requirement figure that we 've come up with independently for the Greater York area , within Selby District anyway .
9 When the story ran on 3 November , it was picked up at once by the Western media , touching off an international scandal of such embarrassing proportions that president Reagan was forced to act .
10 The conversation was picked up from somewhere off the floor once dessert arrived and the three of them were talking again .
11 In London she settled in Highgate and ventured out from there on the variation of the Grand Tour that beckoned for the young in Europe in the mid 1960s : Paris , Rome , Turkey , Lebanon , Jordan , Tunisia , and across north Africa .
12 He dialled Essex and , the gods relenting , got through at once to the man he wanted .
13 Working for ICI enabled him to join their club at Norton Hall where a single croquet lawn has been in existence and played on at least since the end of the 1939–45 War .
14 No , I hold on in there till the last moment .
15 Tickets booked by telephone or by post can be collected up to 5pm on the day of screening at MAC .
16 Generally speaking , the amount of sleep lost is not made up for entirely on the recovery nights .
17 Looking back from here along the river , we saw the boar .
18 When you came back from away after the war , d did you notice any any changes here ?
19 It is a beauty wrought out from within upon the flesh , the deposit , little cell by cell , of strange thoughts and fantastic reveries and exquisite passions .
20 Keys may be obtained after 2.00pm on Saturday of arrival & keys should be handed in by 10.00am on the Saturday of departure .
21 The enormous number of immigrants who poured in from all over the country congested the old area within the medieval walls of the City and created new suburbs all around .
22 The T & G traditionally have looked at the G M B as er look down at sometimes at the G M B. I 've heard them described before as the sweepers up union and various other things .
23 Yet Hitler himself referred to the S.A.S. as ‘ so-called commandos who are recruited in part from common criminals released from prison … captured S.A.S. troops must be handed over at once to the nearest Gestapo unit … these men are very dangerous , and the presence of S.A.S. troops must be immediately reported … they must be ruthlessly exterminated . ’
24 ‘ Draw them under shadow ’ may mean no more than ‘ pull them out of the hall and into the dark ’ , but it implies also ‘ going we know not where ’ , dying and being handed over for ever to the powers of evil .
25 I mean , let's face it , I 'm in a no-win Situation , and quite honestly , I 'm so stuffed up to here with the whole Stupid mess that , I can tell you , I 've just Got a good mind to take the quick way out .
26 There was a surge in so-called hotting displays 18 months ago , during the warm summer nights , when people turned up from all over the country to watch .
27 There was a surge in so-called hotting displays 18 months ago , during the warm summer nights , when people turned up from all over the country to watch .
28 Around 70 bidders turned up from all over the country and auctioneer , Barry Bufton was optimistic .
29 Heath was attempting to break with the politics of accommodation , the ‘ triangular system ’ of government/union/employer consultation which had been growing up at least since the war .
30 This is another of those modern Western diseases that seems to have mushroomed up from nowhere over the past fifty years .
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