Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [adv] [prep] [det] way " in BNC.

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1 Were there any players that the crowds used to pick on especially in any way ?
2 The Duchess will be told quite clearly that if news or information gets out publicly in any way she could be fined , for example will be warned that time spent with her children will possibly be curtailed if she does n't tow the line .
3 A trust is set up even in this way : ‘ I want you to give ’ ‘ I desire you to give ’ ‘ I believe you will give ’ .
4 She felt as though the walls were squeezing in on her ; she looked around wildly for some way to escape .
5 She flounced into the bathroom , and then tried to think how to flounce out again in any way that would get her past his indispensable face and into the bloody lift .
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