Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [conj] [vb past] into the " in BNC.

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1 And when the corrections were pasted on , they frequently dropped off or slipped into the wrong place during the journey to the cameras .
2 Bits dropped off and clattered into the street .
3 The car accelerated off and disappeared into the late afternoon traffic .
4 And er I was unmarried at that time and erm I , for a number of , well till nineteen forty was the end of nineteen forty I think , I joined up and went into the , the R A O C as it was then , it became the the side that I was in of course .
5 He turned around and spoke into the room behind him , then moved out of sight .
6 She drew in a deep breath ; then , the cloth still in her hand , she turned about and went into the kitchen .
7 He swivelled round and fired into the police car , wounding PC Alexander Kelly , 32 , the court heard .
8 He got up and went into the house .
9 At five o'clock I got up and went into the sitting-room .
10 It was on the tip of Jehan 's tongue to suggest that Alexei was allowing himself to be used only because it suited him ; but it was clear that discussing the subject was making Jehana unhappy , and so he said nothing , sitting quietly beside her until suddenly she got up and went into the house .
11 ‘ I do n't know what you 're finding so funny , ’ she said , and she got up and went into the garden , thinking , as she looked back , that Barbs had always had the ability to put people at odds with each other and , seemingly , was able to do it when she was n't even there .
12 He got up and went into the kitchen and came back with three more cans .
13 Nurse Neil McGregor was keeping a watch on patient Michael Robinson when Sigsworth , of Melbourne House , Middlesbrough , got up and went into the day room .
14 She got up and went into the kitchen .
15 Joe put his back to her and she got up and scrambled into the bed .
16 She sucked in a steadying gulp of air , letting it go with little huffing sounds before she walked on and turned into the lane .
17 So I gingerly walked down and crept into the car realized that I was the one that had caused all that
18 He roared , bounded off and disappeared into the jungle .
19 He got out and strode into the reception office without waiting for her .
20 School dinner lady Linda Ellis , 32 , and nurse Marie Fisher , 38 , saved Tom Friday after he passed out and toppled into the pool at the Ty Mawr Holiday Camp , in Towyn , near Rhyl , North Wales .
21 But , as they approached , the men broke up and ran into the stadium , vaulting the entrance turnstiles as they went .
22 She stumbled back and turned into the reaching arms of a man-shaped thing that was coming down on her .
23 Killion waved back and dived into the attack .
24 The fire gave a sudden crackle and the top log rolled over and fell into the hearth .
25 I lay on my fourposter ready to bemoan what had happened but the next minute I rolled over and sank into the deepest sleep .
26 This suggests that containers of food were placed in the cooking-holes and that hot ash was piled around them to cook the contents , which sometimes boiled over or fell into the ash , leading to carbonization and preservation .
27 Turning abruptly , she flung it with a clash into the fireplace ; then she went out and got into the car .
28 As he yanked it free the saw shot up and scythed into the cable .
29 But the float careered on and crashed into the 58-year-old tax official , breaking his leg .
30 He stifled a yawn then stood up and went into the kitchen .
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