Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The following bar graphs or charts show how the information can be broken down and looked at more closely .
2 Poles from the other areas of partitioned Poland rose up and fought for over eight months in support of his efforts to halt the dismemberment of the Polish state .
3 hang on to somebody elses tail lights , it gives us a false sense of security watch your speed , you may be going much faster than you think , do not speed up to get away from the vehicle which is too close behind you , remember that if you 're driving with heavy people it may take longer to pull up and speed on ahead , warning signals or
4 It is the perfect time to stand back and look at how the beauty of nature can enhance your surroundings .
5 We drove on and saw from afar the short 11th hole , a stern test with the wind coming up .
6 Even the three debutants came in and played like never before .
7 Valves of drysuits freeze up if pressed for too long , and a careless diver in a drysuit may find himself suddenly hurtling up to the surface , with potentially fatal consequences .
8 Perforated silk , I mean silk , even if it 's hung up and looked after very carefully , it just cracks with age , which is very sad , I mean some of our wedding dresses are just , the skirts are literally in shreds , you know , where they 've just got
9 Much later , it seemed , she awoke and when she turned over and looked towards where the chanting had come from the African men and women had eaten and were packing away and decamping .
10 As Bob looked at it , the hand performed a sudden evolution like a conjuring-trick , turning over and producing from nowhere a pack of American cigarettes , with one of the cigarettes extended towards Bob .
11 There are of course cases where the implications of ideas about communication have been thought through and subjected to more accommodating interpretation .
12 The economic strength of society is not something that can be peeled off and thought of separately from the quality of the life of those who are members of that society .
13 They prepare individual care-plans for each patient with goals and objectives to be drawn up and revised by both the nurse and the patient .
14 Instead he believes priorities have to be drawn up and stuck to even if that means low-priority areas are ignored altogether as is already the case in some parts of the country .
15 There 's still some who want the shrieking , whirling dervish of the old Associates days and refuse to give him any credit for growing up and wanting to just get on with it .
16 ‘ I ai n't going to be tidied up and looked at so 's you can make up your mind about fancying me .
17 Sarah stand up and come over here .
18 You get on and fly to somewhere that takes your fancy , the airline being quite willing to take the odd traveller with his rucsac .
19 She bobbed down and came up more or less inside his embrace , her crimson , browned and pallid face peering like a floating decapitated head in his direction .
20 Christian stepped in and called on both Seb and Boz to cease fighting .
21 Tim glanced in and understood at once .
22 Nor were they in Europe , where it took off in a big way as the cult movie of the moment , especially in countries where the dire American dialogue could be dubbed over or subtitled with more viable prose .
23 Anyway , we set off and drove for about forty miles .
24 Note , users must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect .
25 Er the Yorkshire television did phone up and apologise for not coming but er that was it .
26 Two gunmen leapt out and fired at least 12 shots .
27 The responsibility for drawing the first furrow on a narrow stetch was one the head horseman could not afford to delegate , unless it was to a man equally skilled as himself ; for a stetch that did not come out , at every point , exactly to the inch would render ineffective the use of implements that had been designed specially for it ; again , a botched stetch was visible to all — to the casual passer-by and to the practised eye of his neighbour ; and the ‘ loss of face ’ a head horseman suffered through allowing the standard of his own work to be below that of the next farm 's was enough to make him ensure that every field was laid out and ploughed with as much care as patience and long-practised skill made possible .
28 Frowning , she looked down and began to idly trace intricate patterns on the table-top with her finger as she tried to puzzle it out .
29 If he was in a such a desperate hurry he could have gone down and gone over there .
30 She rolled over and saw at once that he was n't listening .
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