Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The cycling is cheered on by town crowds outside the cafes and brasseries , eating chips with mussels or andouillettes , the spiced sausages made of pigs ' chitterlings , all washed down with beer : the Artois lagers or the rich dark malts of Belgium .
2 In the following Experiment 2.3 various colours were used to test how far the eye can be relied on to judge backgrounds in the circumstances under which the eventual instrument would be used .
3 All of these initiatives as well as the day to day work that goes on with safety representatives at the workplace , supported by officials all of these initiatives are aimed at improving standards at the workplace and we are also contributing to the fourth action programme in Europe where they are setting out their action programme which will take them into the next
4 Her body lay at the rest in the chapel downstairs , the light filtering in through lancet windows on her oak coffin and the dark-stained , hand-carved pews .
5 Calendars and diaries have always been popular in good bookshops , many of these products spinning off from familiar sources ( Tolkien , Beatrix Potter ) and sold in by book publishers with the autumn lists .
6 The staccato vocals , and Morrison 's sudden interjections , utterly transformed the song , and the duo moved on to swap vocals to and fro in Lewis 's hit , What 'd I Say .
7 They may be picked on in revenge raids by the security forces after attacks by armed opposition groups or protests by political groups .
8 For the most part , agricultural education which includes education for horticulture , forestry , poultry husbandry and dairying is carried on in specialist colleges of agriculture and horticulture , together with some general technical colleges .
9 They were also useful to pull on over fleece bottoms in colder weather .
10 ( b ) Could this idea be carried over from boiler inspections to drug inspections ?
11 Such treatment does not improve germination ( they are protected by a hard endocarp during their animal passage ) , but seedlings grow up in dung piles in clearings : the species is shade-intolerant .
12 Specifically , most of the items that we discussed are picked up as agenda items throughout this particular agenda .
13 These molecules are then picked up by receptor proteins on the surface of the second cell .
14 In the US utility workwear was picked up by street gangs as no-nonsense , functional clothing .
15 The system takes in small amounts of fresh water from time to time , and these introduce a fresh supply of mineral salts , which build up as scale deposits in the boiler and within the pipework .
16 It 's believed warm weather has led to a build up of botulism bacteria in the canal .
17 One possible explanation lies in the way in which charge carriers move between crystal lattice planes : the build up of charge carriers on alternate planes of a graphite lattice gives rise to local electrical fields that oppose the main field and generate the out-of-phase conduction .
18 Freestanding machines are designed to slip under the worksurface and will line up with kitchen units at plinth and drawer level .
19 Frustrated football fans , caught up in traffic delays on the M1 yesterday afternoon , left their coaches at the Edgware junction and started to walk to Wembley along the hard shoulder .
20 In all three of these novels the ‘ crimes ’ are those committed by basically good people who , through no real fault of their own ( other than the speculative instinct that is the mainstay of the capitalist system ) , have been caught up in bank failures for which they valiantly accept responsibility .
21 He was still acting as a trustee for the officers and men of the artillery train when additional compensation was voted out of crown lands in the act of 1652 ; a misleading reference from May of that year has led some authorities to assume that he was dead by then .
22 Workers shell out for charity WORKERS at Shell 's Thornton Research Centre increased donations to charity in the second year of a GAYE ( Give as you Earn ) scheme .
23 The jacket had ‘ Those Whom the Gods Love ’ picked out in brass studs across the back and the trousers had parallel lines of matching studs down the side seams .
24 A MAJOR security review is being urgently carried out at Parliament Buildings in Belfast — to keep the IRA out .
25 Amnesty claimed that many children had died of torture , carried out to extract confessions from opposition detainees , and that many had " disappeared " .
26 In a study carried out of job interviews in America , it was discovered that most interviewers had made decisions about a candidate in the areas just mentioned within the first four minutes of the interview .
27 Many bombing and rocket strikes were carried out against enemy lines of communication and supplies .
28 They may , for example , be an adjunct to the use of Taylorism , where fragmented work leads t o the use of particular types of organisation structure , whereas co-ordination of the same overall task , if it were carried out by craft workers on an integrated basis , might be carried out by means of a much simpler organisation structure .
29 Tests carried out by council officers at Mr Hunt 's home before the motorway was built found noise levels to be similar to those found in a quiet bedroom .
30 For example , the rule which automatically renders transactions carried out by company directors in breach of the prohibition on self-dealing voidable can be modified , but it has been held that the director must still act in the best interests of the company .
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