Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] that [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had come to suspect that her affair with him would not be straightforward , that he was not sent by heaven to redeem her from chastity .
2 The board want answers and I want to prove that my relationship with them in general , and Tom Grant in particular , remains a good one .
3 What is most disappointing though is that Nashwan is not to return to Paris to try to prove that his defeat in the Prix Niel by Golden Pheasant and French Glory , who now occupy prominent positions in the Arc betting , was because he was having an off-day rather than because he has deteriorated since his magnificent victories in the 2,000 Guineas , Derby and Eclipse Stakes earlier in the year .
4 During his struggle to get The Possessed into shape he came to see that his conception of Stavrogin , as well as obsessed by crisis and clarity , was hopelessly overcrowded .
5 However , he gradually came to see that his fear of God was beneficial because it kept him from falling into sin .
6 Do the mindless individuals who use unspeakable language in the streets and hurl vile insults at Her Majesty 's representatives and other dignatories ever pause to reflect that our standard of living , our Welfare State services … our economic health all depend on our links with Great Britain ?
7 When I first met these ideas , I was reluctant to accept them , because they seemed to suggest that our knowledge of the world is more unreliable than I would like to think .
8 Similarly , anthropologists and cultural historians came to realise that our understanding of culture had rested on a priori concepts and categories .
9 Leaving aside the areas of conflict , librarians would like to believe that their input to the trade is a vital one .
10 Well I 've said a few words about the Soviet Union but I would like to add that our programme of assistance to the Soviet Union and to other countries in central and Eastern Europe , while it 's had to grow rapidly in response to the urgent needs of reg region , it does not it has not grown and will not grow in any way er which will undermine our commitment to the developing world and er perhaps on that note I might turn to Africa .
11 Likewise , Mr Clark has had to explain that his remark to Mr Lamont ( ‘ I can see you were n't at Eton ’ ) is derogatory not of the chancellor but of Mr Clark 's alma mater , where ‘ you were surrounded by shits and knew what shits were , the sort of people who could vote against Her in the first round .
12 If I had admitted to cold in any of these instances , I should also have had to admit that my fund of energy was n't limitless .
13 I began to see that my fear about Mary obscuring Christ was not soundly based as long as I keep to the parameters of Scripture .
14 He was beginning to see that his concept of Art with a capital A was European , based on a classical tradition that was never going to expand to meet the challenge of the new generations of painters because it was defined by its time .
15 As the suffrage struggle intensified many feminists began to insist that their campaign for citizenship and demands for legislation to curb men 's immorality were interlinked .
16 This may be a good moment to indicate to her very gently that she has grieved well and long , and that if she is beginning to feel that her period of mourning is nearing its end ( even though you appreciate that she will always carry the scars of her sorrow ) , you are ready to give her any help she needs to adjust to her new and different life .
17 We have been given to understand that our forest of Chippenham around the place called ‘ Holloway ’ is so dense that malefactors are able to lie hid in those parts , and so travellers are threatened with frequent losses , and some incur peril of lives and goods there .
18 We do try to ensure that your holiday with us is as enjoyable as possible , but occasionally plans do go wrong .
19 One day we went for a tour around the mill and the lasting memory that I have is the terrible clattering of the looms and the speed at which the never idle operators worked to ensure that their piece of material was faultless .
20 Like the publishing industry , the academic community is rapidly coming to realise that its stock in hand is not words on the page , but information , independent of its physical realisation .
21 He said I should join to prove that my commitment to the ending of injustice was n't all hot air .
22 Yet I did not know which to trust : the splintered yet separately concrete vision of myself each man offered me which was the product of his necessary fantasy ; or the amorphous , difficult to establish whole self which struggled to say that his vision of me and mine through his , had distorted it .
23 A different approach might aim to show that our perception of ourselves as intentional subjects has not always existed , and might then suggest that it arises as a feature of capitalist ideology .
24 Autocrats may start well intentioned ( few stay that way ) , but none should be allowed to claim that their pursuit of good economic goals is just one way of upholding their subjects ' human rights .
25 He liked to hint that his relationship with Gina was some sort of grande passion and that she was the love of his life .
26 I have tried to show that our experience of the Renaissance is enriched by comparing texts produced in a variety of cultural environments .
27 The Court of Appeal refused to certify that its refusal to relist raised a point of law of general public importance , foreclosing any prospect of redress in the domestic sphere .
28 I have to say that my approach to teaching mathematics has changed beyond all my expectations and I now see my pupils enquiring and searching for answers themselves .
29 I have to say that our input into what is going on is still very strong .
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