Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Wild animals tend to hide away when they fall ill or are injured , and those in captivity try to do the same , but it 's almost impossible for them .
2 They know they want to come here when they apply
3 However , the four Basque deputies elected in October for United People ( HB ) had still not taken up their seats , and the Constitutional Court confirmed in a ruling on March 29 that they would not be permitted to do so unless they swore the conventional oath of allegiance to the Constitution [ see p. 37135 ] .
4 He says over the last few years there 've been a number of applications by local people who live and work in the area and want to stay here and they 've been refused permission to build on their own land for single dwellings and we think it would be terribly unfair if Redlands could come in and build a whole new estate , doubling the size of the village .
5 They want to feel righteous , but they do n't want to define exactly where they stand .
6 She could hear the audience begin to breathe heavily as they watched the machine-driven dildo lewdly disappear , centimetre by centimetre , into her cute snatch .
7 ‘ But we 're not just going to sit here until they come for us ? ’
8 We had owned the Sumatras for just a few months , but already we had seen that they are volatile and eccentric birds , much given to sudden screech-ups and bouts of cackling , which in other chickens would denote the arrival of an egg , but from them seem to signify only that they have given themselves a fright .
9 As they passed the alimentari ( shut , as it might be forever ) and then plunged off the road into the shadows of the bramble-lined single track , Haverford quoted , as he had been waiting to do ever since they left Heathrow : ‘ ‘ In the middle of the journey of our life , I found myself lost in a dark wood , ’ ’ he began to translate for the benefit of the children , but they were all , including the baby , asleep now and Molly thought that for her father to pretend to be in the middle of his life was a bit of a cheek anyway .
10 People complain that these tests seem to take longer than they need to .
11 they tend to drift away when they get to the last year anyway , you know ?
12 Cumbria threatened to fall apart when they lost their hooker , Derek Dougan , just before the interval , as Lancashire 's Mark Hesketh finished off a surge by Shaun Gallagher , initiated by the lively Dewi Morris , to give Lancashire a 9-0 lead at the break .
13 Looking down at their still and silent master , the two dogs began to slink nearer until they lay down beside him , noses resting on his body .
14 It began to rain steadily as they stopped the jeep where the track met two barely discernible footpaths .
15 It 's like slang like , if two people do n't know each other they talk like formally but if two people know each uvver they use slang , you know to get across because they know each other personally .
16 Investors may have to wait longer than they anticipate before enjoying maximum premiums .
17 partners should have to confirm formally that they have complied with the rules ;
18 So , short of sending the recording tape on a long detour through the corridors of the Palace of Westminster before it goes on the air , the parliamentary censors will have to work faster than they think .
19 Similarly , whereas over half of the sample ( 57 per cent ) admitted to always or mostly continuing to drink even when they knew they were intoxicated , at the end of the course 60 per cent said this rarely or never occurred .
20 But those who find these positions unattractive will have to look further if they want to say that there are such things as knowledge or justified belief .
21 And how are we to make alliances with those women or are we to say that we do not wish to do so until they 've gone through a greater degree of learning process .
22 His wife had been an islander by birth and after she died he decided to live there where they had spent many happy holidays .
23 Older children may find it helps to go away until they have coped with their feelings and can discuss them .
24 Publicans whose premises backed on the harbour were interviewed and , over local radio , people were being asked to come forward if they had been in the neighbourhood the night before , especially those who had used the car-park .
25 They were asked to participate only if they had no history of gastrointestinal diseases or abdominal surgery other than appendectomy , and if they had no symptoms that could be attributed to gastrintestinal motility disorders .
26 Many were also given lockable doors to preserve privacy , and curtains to prevent draughts ; indeed , some became so elaborate that during the 1630s the Bishop of Norwich , Richard Corbett , was led to remark wryly that they lacked ‘ nothing but beds to hear the word of God on ’ .
27 Children are learning to read long before they have any formal reading tuition .
28 Erm so they would have ch they chose to live there and they chose to move out .
29 They managed to get away when they persuaded the man to stop for baby food .
30 I know when we 've er sold the house , when our children all went and left us , the house was for three bedrooms , right , and I , I said to my husband I do n't want to stay here because they built the school outside behind our er , erm back yard , and every , all the rubbish that kids throw threw over and I said to him I do n't want to stay now kids , kids gone , children gone leave , left home , got married and went to off , I said I do n't want to live here , I do n't want to retire to , to stay at home and listen to the kids at school all day long and have the rubbish thrown over the hedge
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