Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] [conj] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He and she were similar but he had a natural goodness which she lacked , and she did not want to claim aloud that she understood him because that , in itself , would lead to misunderstanding .
2 Ryan 's eyes seemed to bulge even as she watched , and she threw herself frantically towards them .
3 The room seemed to shift slightly and she looked round .
4 Consequently , she decided to walk northwards along the edge of the moor , safe in the knowledge that if the snow should begin to fall again before she found George , she only needed to make her way downwards and she would come across Hodge Beck , which she could follow southwards to safety .
5 she , she said to me on the way o , er as I was I said look I 'm going to scoot now and she said well I hope you do n't get any unwanted company on the way back .
6 Moreover , she thought a great deal about what she was going to do long before she began working , and it had become possible for her to execute a painting with great precision .
7 She 's never going to get anywhere if she tries to beat up on males , especially a catch like me .
8 And she was n't such a push-over she was going to melt just because she 'd fallen in love with a man with a heart of ice .
9 Five minutes later , being positive had brought her to the decision that since time was going to drag heavily while she waited in Mariánské Láznë for Ven to return , and since they had trains in Czechoslovakia , she would go to Prague too .
10 She felt the fire inside her begin to burn again and she pushed the door wide open , her mouth ready to frame a few well-chosen words on the importance of finishing jobs on time .
11 Just think how she 's going to feel now when she knows that her own sister is having a relationship with the man who left her . ’
12 Coming back round by the house for the third time , she got quite above herself , and the bike began to wobble alarmingly as she fought to control it .
13 Finally she smiled at her image reflected in her mirror , a small bubble of excitement beginning to build inside as she decided whether or not to wear a gilt necklace with a resin pendant by Pellini which she 'd found at Liberty .
14 ‘ You 'll have to wait now until she 's gone , ’ Lily said .
15 Irresistible charm is brought to bear again as she butters up a worthy old bag ( ‘ unpleasant ’ ) who has a few tedious objections to our Hildamay waltzing off with her granddaughter .
16 Rosalind would have to know now that she had n't posted the letter !
17 The Cutty Sark was eventually given to the Cutty Sark Society in 1953 and she was restored to look just as she did during her sailing days .
18 Oh , how silly of her to take a holiday now ; she 'll have to return almost before she 's got there and she 'll be so tired .
19 Mm We 're on number three she 's not allowed to go home till she 's done at least seven !
20 Mrs Phillips said the baby did not settle when they were allowed to go home and she expressed continuing concern to a community midwife .
21 Vera had started to climax again as she saw Vashinov pump away at the young man , his breathing rapid as he reached towards his orgasm .
22 If Kirsty had fallen ill once they were down in London she would have been forced to stay there until she 'd recovered — and then she would have been in serious trouble , not only with Jake but with the law as well .
23 She knew it would wound his dignity that he had been forced to skulk abroad while she had saved the firm — never mind that she had done so in the most unbusinesslike and outrageous manner .
24 ‘ No ! ’ the Doctor said , and at the same time Bernice was trying to remember exactly when she had had the conversation that she had just remembered so clearly .
25 And therefore people said of her that she would be lucky , for things had begun to grow just as she appeared , buds started to sprout and birds to practise their spring songs .
26 Right leg bent double , knee red from impact , a scatter of dark soil across her calf , as if she had been trying to run even as she fell .
27 One day , though , sitting in the counsellor 's sumptuous study she offered him a cheque instead of cash — and he replied with his customary charm and vigour , that she had to pay more if she paid by cheque .
28 Cos Rita swears she 's been , I mean I was out with her once and we went in for a coffee and we finished , right , and we 're ready to go and I nearly said to her I hate it after you 've finished and Jackie lights up and then I have to sit there while she has a fag
29 For when the Pisan detention-camp in 1946 compelled the poet to breach , though guardedly , the barrier of his reticence , he certainly wrote about the women he had loved ; and if Dorothy is of that company ( as she must be , surely ) , we need to know just where she figures , and on what terms .
30 Constance wanted to run home but she knew that she could n't leave her bike .
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