Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [det] [prep] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I never want to see either of them again .
2 I tried to get most of them out .
3 I hope to see most of you personally over the next few weeks but if I do n't then can I say ‘ Thanks ’ and ‘ All the Best for a healthy and prosperous future . ’
4 Best wishes for the year — I hope to meet many of you personally in the course of it .
5 Are you wanting to take any of it now ? ’
6 I hear what you say , and you know why I 'm not going to debate that with you again today .
7 So while you 're finishing heading your bits and pieces up would you like to pass some of them round .
8 Now we 're going to provide this for you absolutely free .
9 Yeah well we got that lasagne I was going to do that for you today but
10 They were going to do this to her again
11 So I 've got to chase all of them up and most of them are going to have gone home for Easter .
12 Now my clerk and I , ’ he trumpeted , ‘ would like to question each of you alone .
13 No not you get different statements different erm I would n't like to repeat some of them right , but if them lads sat down and studied it erm same as I 've said now and they say , Well yes aye .
14 We 've devolved the money to schools , but they 've got to spend most of it back with the council here .
15 ‘ No , I 'ad to give half of it back , ’ breathed Dolly .
16 When you 've finished these ( you may want to read some of them twice ) , I 'll give you more .
17 I hated the exams at school I did n't think I 'd have to go all through them again .
18 You do n't have to leave any of us out .
19 She 'll be lucky if she does n't have to hold both of you up during the service .
20 You do n't know which one you 'd have to check all of them again .
21 Obviously you will have to remove most of them eventually , at about 1″ , but by then you should have at least two more broods coming along behind to maintain the colony .
22 Then I decided to take some of it back to the shore with me .
23 But so far she had refused to take any of them seriously — sensible Caroline .
24 Dean Mansfield says the ticket price is redeemable and he hopes to claim most of it back from the airline .
25 As the suppliers of a ‘ green ’ product , he uses recyclable packaging and gives an explanation of the term organic on the cartons which helps keep customers informed and hopefully helps to educate some of them too !
26 One did not seem to meet many of them now .
27 ‘ There are so few of us , ’ he wrote , ‘ and God knows we ca n't afford to give many of us away . ’
28 So it pays to keep all of them well out of the reach of young , inquisitive hands .
29 Because Granby House was a listed building , the contractor eventually became exempt from this tax , but as he could not reclaim any VAT he had already paid to suppliers , he had to pass most of it on to the developer .
30 how they do when th they 're trying to scare some of them off .
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