Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There are outright racists holding Tory membership cards and I want to see them out of the party . ’
2 Do , above all , make time to talk to your son or daughter — particularly if they want to sound you out on the subject .
3 " You helped stop me getting the directorship , now you want to drive me out of the Lab . "
4 Thomas Cook said the merger would create an effective duopoly and tour operators would find themselves ‘ subject to debilitating price wars funded by the dominant position of the duopoly and designed to drive them out of the industry ’ .
5 They do not seek to drive anyone out of the Church .
6 At a signal from Sybil , Rachel helped to coax them out of the water and into the changing-rooms where David was helping Danny to dress .
7 Members of a Cardiff ladies ' rowing club tried to pull her out of the mud , but found the current was too fast , and the bitch ( yes , she is called Eric ! ) , too heavy .
8 Dynamius tried to lock them out of the city , but he was tricked by Gundulf .
9 Poppy dissolved into a quivering heap when staff tried to lead her out of the cage , so they suggested that I tried .
10 On each occasion , he became engaged in long disputes with local reporters , some of whom tried to jostle him out of the room .
11 The left also has to draw itself out of the mire into which it has been plunged following the 1960s renaissance of Marxist ideas in the Labour movement .
12 When Swan heard that Harvey was at the Ministry of Transport , he tried to draw him out on the subject of motorways in Warwickshire , but the junior Minister in charge of roads said that this was not the time or place to discuss the subject .
13 Their rooms were next to each other and identical : shabby exercises in spartan comfort , designed to keep you out of the room and in the hotel lounge .
14 Their houses , the tall , crumbling tenements with their cracked roof tiles and their creaking balconies huddle together round the church as if they want to shoulder it out of the way .
15 We want to get it out of the way before it starts escalating .
16 want to get it out till the last minute in case it rained on it again .
17 No , the only way the Seven could get at The New Hope would be to try to blow it out of the sky from below .
18 You want to blow us out of the water ? ’
19 If you want to take them out of the book
20 Constanza tried to follow her out of the hotel — as she was very very upset , my grandmother — but Constanza was too late .
21 The unfortunate man had suffered such violent panic attacks that he tried to throw himself out of the window .
22 And monthly-payment forms of credit , also generally cheaper , tend to rule themselves out for the reasons given above .
23 Bromley was quoted by The Listener in August as saying of Sky : ‘ We intend to shoot them out of the sky . ’
24 ‘ Why , Sarella ? ’ he grated after a battle that seemed to draw itself out to the limits .
25 Ever since my father repeatedly threatened to let me out of the car as a child , I have made satisfactory provisions for such an adventure .
26 But as she sang , the voice seemed to lift itself out of the setting , out of the plot , and become a performance in itself .
27 In an interview with The Scotsman in July last year , only weeks after he was diagnosed as having an inoperable bronchial tumour , Mr McTear , who smoked between 40 and 60 cigarettes a day for 30 years , said he did not expect to get anything out of the legal action .
28 A while later , when she was finished and dressed and sitting alone , Charlie came to take her out to the taxi .
29 You 've got to work it out on the basis of ten miles not on the basis of five miles .
30 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
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