Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Secular books on the New Age tend to treat it as the latest fad ; the ‘ in thing ’ of the eighties , full of Alternative Types and quaint ideas about the ‘ good life ’ down on the organic , backyard farm .
2 The federal pump-priming for their establishment , eventually extended to cover their first eight years , was not intended to support them for the long term .
3 In another experiment , subjects were woken either five or fifteen minutes after REM sleep had started , and asked to estimate which of the two intervals had been used .
4 I 'll be looking at your statement later and I 'll probably want to see you in the next day or so . ’
5 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
6 Some transracial adopters may prefer to isolate themselves from the cultural background and ethnic origin of their child because it is easier in the short run to escape conflicts .
7 He has felt the presaging shadow of death , and he goes to meet it in the old unchanging way of the wild — alone .
8 It seemed to be the only real thing in the universe ; the temple , the city , the motorspeeder , all of these were illusions devised to distract her from the important issues , the real business of life .
9 ‘ It reminds me of my dear father one day at Sandwich , ’ she was saying , ‘ when we were picnicking on the sands and we had arranged to meet him at the nineteenth hole .
10 Kankoila was one of the founder members of FLING , helping to establish it in the early 1950s .
11 Maggie clung to the privacy of her room , as small children do to their teddy bears ; she never invited her friends there , preferring to contain them in the large sitting-room below .
12 All who have kept wild animals as pets or got to know them in the wild have come to realize that they each have their own personality and manner of expression , within the constraints of that species ’ natural instincts .
13 I said authenticity was one thing but did my devoted fans really want to see me on the big screen with spots a foot across all over my face ?
14 Our attitude is that we want to see everyone in the six counties , whether Protestant or Catholic , active in the movement to attain civil rights for the people there .
15 ‘ I want to thank you for the last five minutes . ’
16 Adventure Training put him in contact with me and after five days Bombardier Michael Goldsmith and a subaltern had come to see me from the Outer Hebrides with a view to offering an army vehicle .
17 The sovereignty of Parliament has been the linchpin of our unwritten and flexible constitution ; it can be traced back in our political practice and constitutional theory for almost three centuries ; and yet the constitutional authorities have come to see it as the fundamental constitutional problem needing challenge and change .
18 I will grow old gracefully , as we are advised ; and as I made ready for the night I tried to see myself as the little girls must have seen me .
19 We might have expected to see something of the great movies , Gold Rush , Modern Times , Limelight …
20 Relations between the two countries had grown tense during the months prior to the Iraqi invasion as Saddam moved to establish himself as the dominant Arab nationalist leader [ see pp. 37390 ; 37472 ] .
21 I think for every feeling , no matter how inward and personal it appears , the writer has to find something in the visible world which corresponds to it , to make it visible for the reader .
22 Our footsteps echoed as though there were other people walking to meet us from the far end .
23 I have got to try to outbowl him in the early matches because there is a good chance we may go into the Tests with only one spinner .
24 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interests as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest , longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world , can open up a whole new circle of people ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close to you , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
25 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interest as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world combines personal service with the speed and efficiency of modern technology to open up a whole new circle of compatible people for you ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
26 The Nord-Pas-de-Calais strategy is clearly designed to pull it in the former camp and has a number of existing advantages to draw upon including a good geographical position and relatively low land prices , wages and corporate taxation rates .
27 The important point about heritability is that we do not need to know anything about the actual genotypes in order to say what it is .
28 Orders were sent to no fewer than four squadrons to try to engage him in the Irish Sea or , as a last resort , to intercept him off Brest on his way home ; but in the event none of them was needed for he was caught , almost by chance , near Kinsale on the southern coast of Ireland at daybreak on 29 February 1760 , by three frigates which had taken refuge there during the recent storm .
29 However , I will seek to set them in the wider context of the Government 's commitment and programme for the computerisation of general practice .
30 Mr Joseph Bronson ( HMS Milne ) , of Helmington Terrace , Hunwick , is still waiting for his medal but is expected to receive it within the next few weeks .
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