Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After an increasingly eerie half hour of this I clapped my hands together and said , rather abruptly perhaps , " Right then .
2 This refers to her opening her wings fully and riding the wind .
3 Later , she subtly modified her views so as to accommodate , not alienate , American feminists .
4 In a sense this tendency was enhanced by the nature of the LEA guidelines , which requested a great deal of factual information in addition to an appraisal , and the advisers themselves who in some cases presented the purpose of the self-appraisal in terms of explaining their practices rather than appraising them .
5 Candy made a show of pressing her lips together and sat back expectantly , a mischievous twinkle still dancing in her eyes .
6 They moved their feet uncomfortably and avoided his eye , turning their caps in their hands .
7 When her mother came and sat beside her , twisting her fingers nervously and pulling on and off her gloves , lifting and laying down her basket in agitation , Lily rallied a little .
8 The Dean and Chapter had recently forbidden parking there and had won as far as cars were concerned , but the local inhabitants had always parked their bikes there and continued so to do .
9 Agreement is more likely if both parties explore their interests rather than state their positions .
10 Similarly , structural analysis is replaced by deconstruction which also questions its objects rather than reflecting them .
11 The vast majority who remained in work found their wages more than kept pace with inflation .
12 Robyn ground her teeth together and glared at him .
13 They all instantly mimic him , pressing their hands together and casting their eyes soulfully upwards .
14 Or maybe the Ivans changed their minds again and opened up .
15 As the figure closed his fingers around her lapels she clenched her fists together and forced her arms up between his arms until her hands met in front of her face , forcing him to loosen his grip .
16 She showered , and dressed in a pale grey cotton skirt with a crisp white blouse , brushed her hair into its customary neat knot , used her cosmetics sparingly and walked into the kitchen , looking the picture of a successful businesswoman .
17 His lips curved again , just to make her extra mad , a derisive , superior smile that none the less transformed his features wonderfully and made Robyn 's heart leap and turn , despite her irritation .
18 As he got to the door he snatched his eyes away and blundered through the doorway .
19 We will have to marshal our arguments now and attempt to get support from the French , Germans , Danes and the Dutch to produce a unified voice . ’
20 This means that you will be asked to observe your clients carefully and to report back .
21 The lips that had soothed now hardened , and when she stiffened in fright his tongue ran along her mouth with shocking intimacy , easing her lips apart and moving inside to tease her tongue and explore the warmth .
22 Some drivers , however , say they ca n't live on less money and would prefer to lose their jobs rather than accept a cut .
23 She shuts her eyes again and rolls over .
24 ‘ Everything is charged to the card , providing an audit trail for the businesses ’ financial and cost controllers and supplying management information , which shows whether or not the company is using its resources efficiently and staying within its budget .
25 Local villagers are prepared to sacrifice their lives rather than move to the inadequate , drought-prone resettlement areas ; many who moved to the resettlement areas in past years are now returning to their threatened villages .
26 Heating is usually irreversible , because foods change their textures irreversibly when heated .
27 Apart from the very great difficulty of establishing how a couple manage their finances ( in effect one would have to take their word for it ) and the strong incentive they would have to arrange their affairs so as to safeguard the woman 's claim to benefit , the fact that she is receiving benefit may itself make it unnecessary for the man to give her more than is required for his own keep .
28 The thing — it must have been five metres across — rippled its flanges invitingly and eased right to where we stood .
29 But she began to gather their limbs together and put them in order , head , body , arms and legs .
30 The disadvantage that besets British firms is that they can not sell enough products in the UK to generate the cash needed to promote their wares overseas and develop new products .
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