Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] [noun] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Because I 'm afraid of being the victim I 'll bubble my way up to being either the rescuer or the persecutor .
2 These days of wonder , she felt graciously pleased with her life ; keeping her self-promise not to be heavy with Lucy , thinking herself under the skin and into the mind of the woman she loved .
3 The poet 's wife tried to avoid going , by saying that it was late for the child and that she would have expected her husband not to be curious .
4 Lord George Murray who had , as he had promised , skilfully directed the withdrawal , having got his cannon and ammunition safely over the River Lowther bridge into Penrith , found his rearguard about to be overwhelmed by Cumberland 's advance cavalry at Clifton , six miles [ 10 km ] to the south .
5 I want our impact here to be the minimum .
6 Why did men always try and make their failings out to be her fault ?
7 There are some flaws , however , in her behaviour that make her turn out to be not so impressive .
8 This sympathy ( and attention ) hardened my resolve not to be put upon .
9 I have to tell the house I have in fact put my name forward to be considered as a candidate to stand to stand for Conservative
10 Here she was , all alone in the wildly romantic snow-covered Scottish mountains with a man most women would give their eye-teeth simply to be in the same room with , and her only wish was to get away from him .
11 Educating the people is vitally important too — because unless families understand why immunisation is so important , they will not bring their children forward to be vaccinated .
12 How many people have carefully bottled their beer only to be woken in the middle of the night by the sound of exploding corks ?
13 DAVE BASSETT is warning his players not to be caught out by TV 's all-seeing eye tomorrow .
14 For children in primary and secondary schools , the issue has been how to make the national curriculum sufficiently flexible to accommodate children with special educational needs , while safeguarding their rights not to be excluded from mainstream education .
15 On Oct. 30 the party declared its assets currently to be worth DM4,000 million as result of increases in property values .
16 So give her reasons not to be naughty .
17 The Nagorny Karabakh Supreme Soviet presidium on July 1 reversed its decision not to be represented at the Rome negotiations [ see p. 38975 ] .
18 I think this is the problem that is going to arise with a lot of teachers responsible for art courses … who 've been quite accustomed to sending their work off to be marked by somebody else , now they 're suddenly going to be faced with mounting and displaying the work , making some judgments themselves and justifying their work .
19 The window was to high up to be reached by the captive , though the could poke her head out to be fed .
20 ‘ It was good quality stuff , good to work on and I gradually worked my way up to being one of the house engineers and it took off from there . ’
21 They would have to send their gear out to be reviewed , and wait for the reviews to come back to know whether or not the product was any good ! ’
22 And Arsenal manager George Graham last night warned his men not to be taken in by Leeds ' run of seven games without a win , saying : ‘ This is going to be the most open Championship race for years and I 'm taking no notice of people who are writing off Leeds .
23 A year later , however , he warned his president not to be misled by Wilson 's apparent reluctance to stay East of Suez .
24 anti-hunt people , the League of Cruel Sports and all sorts of other organisations that have actually asked their members not to be here today , not to cause a problem , not to divert attention from the real issues in the debate er er and cause a crisis outside for all the press and the media to latch on to , that 's not what they were about .
25 On the other hand it must be remembered that a more rapid turnover of light industry ( production of essential articles ) permits its capital also to be used to build up heavy industry , whilst developing light industry at the same time .
26 Cuckoo-bees make their way into the nests of other kinds of bees and leave their eggs there to be tended and reared by others .
27 There is a nice link in this in that this year 's efforts have been started by one of the exam prize winners who has passed his prize back to be donated to Save the Children .
28 But Mize pushed his approach out to the right and had to get his chip close to be in with a chance of halving the hole .
29 If all else fails , ask your dealer what sort of Win Tach index your type of machine should return , and if necessary , wheel your machine back to be sorted out .
30 I had warned my men overnight to be prepared for an early start , and a little before sunrise , leaving them to pack up and follow me , I said good-bye to my friends at Dalkania and started on the two-mile climb to the forest road on the ridge above … .
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