Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pers pn] [modal v] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 His chief failing was a habit of cracking heavy pedantic jokes ; he was unable to let a good idea drop , and remarked several times during the course of the film that the heroine looked like she ought to be playing the horse .
2 I do n't know whether it ought to be the Foreign Office , the Home Office or the Ministry of Defence . ’
3 She could not offer advice as a grandmother , despite her long experience of children ; and now her own children had ceased to confide in her ‘ because they felt that the time had come when I ought to be ‘ spared ’ every possible worry .
4 It 's happy with the amount of convergence they have managed to get , saying that it 's a lot easier now to agree than it used to be , pointing to the significance of the networking and X-Windows commonality the new ABI implies .
5 Because in recent years hypnosis has tended to leave behind its mystical and Svengali-related image — and also because complementary medicine in general is far more widely accepted than it used to be — many people are less worried about the whole concept than before .
6 About this time he started to wonder whether he ought to be a monk .
7 Light the paraffin stove now , he thought , crouching uncertainly with a box of matches , wondering if it ought to be propitiated in some way .
8 For a really weird effect , it could be combined with an actual camera movement in the opposite direction ( tracking in and tracking out , so called because it used to be done on tracks like tramlines rather than free wheels ) .
9 that , and , and , I mean it 's probably better for George to do what he wants to do , rather to do what he do n't want to do because we used to be in the same predicament when we were doing cabaret , we 'd go down to London on the Saturday , we 'd leave here what about half three , four o'clock , so if we stayed in digs , we 'd be finished work say midnight , we 'd be back in digs for one , then he 'll go up till seven the next night
10 I mean I er i it 's more well known than it used to be .
11 But the bairns are n't feart like they used to be .
12 If you are asking whether we ought to be spending more , I can only agree , ’ he said .
13 Try as I might to be in the present , to subsume myself to history , to see myself as just another corpuscle coursing along the urban arteries , I could n't .
14 He wondered if he ought to be very formal .
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