Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pron] [vb mod] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't know whether I would be bale to finish and thought it best to drop out .
2 No , how do I know whether it might be Paul 's .
3 GARY JOHNSON must wait until tomorrow Friday to find whether he will be Cambridge United 's new manager .
4 Aristotle also doubted whether there could be time without thinking beings , since he regarded time as not merely succession but ‘ succession in so far as it is numbered ’ , and nothing can be numbered unless there is someone to do the counting .
5 These grants however are discretionary — that means they do not have to be given so there will be variations from one district to another .
6 He had not yet decided whether she would be friend or enemy , so his eyes were distant — and she knew it .
7 Pushing its head out of the way , I thrust the flambeau into its stall , to see if there might be kerosene or paraffin stored there , or at least a good stack of hay .
8 On another occasion , and because I felt he was a remote figure of whom the public knew nothing , I asked if he would be guest at an off-the-record private dinner-party to which I would invite half a dozen senior media people such as Robin Day , Perry Worsthorne of the Sunday Telegraph , and Tony Howard of the Observer for an exchange of views .
9 I was just wondering if there would be time to fetch you down here before lunch .
10 You know whether it 'd be Visa , Access or whatever .
11 The committee will also be considering whether there should be representation for groups not involved in ownership .
12 Effectively , this can happen because there might be diseconomies of scope , so that individual production is cheaper than multi-output production .
13 Chairman , er if I might I was going to refer again to the care carefully worded recommendation which does n't actually mention the level of erm it simply mentions erm er a modest extent of under provision because clearly it says elsewhere in the report at two ten that it 's not yet known whether there will be opportunities elsewhere , so that 's a particular shortfall in provision to be made up .
14 It looked like there might be pus in it .
15 He never knew if there should be carbon there or not .
16 I doubt whether there 'll be penny in the pound .
17 I wonder if he can be Cornelius Fennell , the art collector .
18 Hence if you have a few shapers you might have noticed the tendencies in the group group discussion that we had because there 'll be people digging in and saying no this is the right way to do it .
19 She wondered if he might be Jeffrey Archer in disguise doing his research .
20 ‘ Yes , Sir John , like you I wondered if he could be Burghgesh 's son .
21 A DEC spokesman said that everything was in the early stages , and that he would n't like to comment on numbers — not even the 6,000 proposed lay-offs , although software engineering staff would be among the casualties , he also could n't say if they would be part of the wave of redundancies mentioned above .
22 I wondered whether it could be drugs — that a caddie perhaps had to be made privy to , because the golfer had to be topped up during the round .
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